jsonb_deep_merge is a PostgreSQL extension to easily merge jsonb with removing empty keys, null keys, boolean keys with "false" value. Boolean keys with a false value are deleted only from the right jsonb. If you do not need to delete them, you must pass "false" as the 3rd parameter of the function.
Provided functions:
jsonb_deep_merge(a jsonb, b jsonb, c boolean DEFAULT true)
- jsonb object
- jsonb object
- when "true" removing boolean keys with "false" value from the right jsonb
It also provides an aggregation function jsonb_deep_agg
Clone source:
git clone https://github.com/pavel-xa/jsonb_deep_merge.git
cd jsonb_deep_merge
In the directory where you downloaded jsonb_deep_merge, run
make && make install
Make install will copy the extension files to the postgres folder, so make sure that you have the necessary permissions. It might also happen that pgxs is not found. For that you might need to install postgresql-server-dev-all and postgresql-common [link].
Once you have successfully compiled the extension log into postgresql and do:
CREATE EXTENSION jsonb_deep_merge;
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": 1}', '{"a": 2}');
> '{"a": 2}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": 1}', '{"a": null}');
> '{}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": 1}', '{"a": false}');
> '{}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": 1}', '{"a": false}', false);
> '{"a": false}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": {"b": 1}}', '{"a": {"b": "3"}}');
> '{"a": {"b": "3"}}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": {"b": 1}}', '{"a": {"b": null}}');
> '{}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": {"b": 1}}', '{"a": {"b": null, "c": "3"}}');
> '{"a": {"c": "3"}}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": {"b": 1}}', '{"a": {"b": false}}');
> '{}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": {"b": 1}}', '{"a": {"b": false}}', false);
> '{"a": {"b": false}}'
CREATE TABLE simple_nested (data jsonb);
INSERT INTO simple_nested VALUES ('{"a": 1}'),
('{"a": 2, "b": 3, "c": 7, "d": 9}'),
('{"a": 5, "c": null}'),
('{"a": 3, "b": 1, "d": false}'),
SELECT jsonb_deep_agg(data) FROM simple_nested;
> {"a": 3, "b": 1}
To run the tests use:
make install && make installcheck
All the tests are in the sql directory.
JSONB is internall represented as a tree in which all levels are sorted. Postgres provides iterators to walk this tree in DFS which respects this sorting. The algorithm uses this order to perform a sorted merge join.
Right now, the algorithm supports the removal of empty keys, from merged JSONB only at first level of nesting and does not support arrays.
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a": {"b": 1}}', '{"a": {"b": null}}');
> '{}'
SELECT jsonb_deep_merge('{"a" : {"k" : {"k1" : 1}}}'::jsonb, '{"a" : {"d" : false, "k" : {"k1" : null}}}'::jsonb);
> '{"a": {"k": {}}}'