
This repo has the code for the demo app used in the Cypress tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Install Node.js from here

Running the example:

  1. Download the example
    • Option 1: git clone https://github.com/applitools/tutorial-cypress.git
    • Option 2: Download it as a Zip file and extract it
  2. CD into the tutorial-cypress folder
  3. Set up environment variable APPLITOOLS_API_KEY with your own API key.
    • Login to Applitools > Click on the Person icon > My API Key
    • Linux/Mac: export APPLITOOLS_API_KEY=<your_key>
    • Windows: set APPLITOOLS_API_KEY=<your_key>
  4. run npm install
  5. run npx eyes-setup
  6. run npm test

Add Applitools to the existing project

  1. Set up environment variable APPLITOOLS_API_KEY with your own API key.
    • Login to Applitools > Click on the Person icon > My API Key
    • Linux/Mac: export APPLITOOLS_API_KEY=<your_key>
    • Windows: set APPLITOOLS_API_KEY=<your_key>
  2. run npm install @applitools/eyes-cypress --save-dev
  3. run npx eyes-setup
  4. Update the tests with the Applitools functionality (You can get more info on the tutorial web page and NPM docs)
  5. run the existing tests

Cypress tutorial

Please see https://applitools.com/tutorials/cypress.html for all the details.

NPM docs

The following NPM docs contains all the update information for this SDK https://www.npmjs.com/package/@applitools/eyes-cypress#configure-plugin-and-commands