Performant, native-like, and well-customizable gallery for React Native.
- 0
- 3
- 0
- 1
Doesn't work on Android
#89 opened by applecat - 1
- 0
Reset method performance issue
#88 opened by arslc - 0
Reduced motion causes snapping
#87 opened by adambremler - 2
- 4
[Android] Problem with pinch-to-zoom
#83 opened by ivaniuk7531 - 3
Zoom out is breaking the experience
#80 opened by eladgel - 1
I have RTL Problem only in Version >= 0.4.0
#82 opened by shadiawad - 1
- 1
- 3
Swiping Transition
#56 opened by turkergercik - 1
Added swipeEnabled prop
#81 opened by vladgolav - 3
- 10
^0.3.8 Wrong positions when more than 1 image
#63 opened by FrSenpai - 1
Баг в скролле
#74 opened by iuan95 - 2
- 7
Infinite list?
#67 opened by wtlgo - 4
- 1
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 2
Not working
#66 opened by arunkumar-pyt - 1
[Question] Is it possible to only use lightbox/carousel mode (without list gallery)?
#69 opened by davide-granello - 5
- 0
how to retrain actual image quality on zoom image
#65 opened by ast-gourav - 2
- 2
Example shared element transition
#60 opened by ori9998 - 1
Replace 2 loops by one
#59 opened by mykyta-rusyn - 4
Remove unnecessary checks
#58 opened by mykyta-rusyn - 1
Error: GestureDetector must be used as a descendant of GestureHandlerRootView
#55 opened by wanghanzhen - 12
Unable to run the example code, or use this module in my own app. Also, the sample code and /example code have different imports
#53 opened by iamsharmaapoorv - 4
translateX offset, image disappear on pan
#47 opened by HugoGresse - 2
react-native-reanimated v3 support
#51 opened by rosskhanas - 1
- 2
Removing an image causes lockup
#43 opened by alexstanbury - 2
Suggestion: set index with animation
#46 opened by jb-5murf - 0
Resizable image
#48 opened by MadeinFrance - 1
Add loading component
#45 opened by adamgajzlerowicz - 2
- 5
Tap gestures not working
#41 opened by alexstanbury - 1
- 7
- 14
Event "onSwipeToClose" is not working
#37 opened by usamaabutt - 3
Update to new react-native-gesture-handler API?
#38 opened by vbylen - 1
Thank your for being a huge part of Memos
#34 opened by YassinEldeeb - 2
onTap event is pretty slow
#29 opened by YassinEldeeb