Dockerized Spring Boot app in AWS Elastic Beanstalk

This is an example how to configure for running Spring Boot app in AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The application is generated with JHipster


  • JDK 1.8
  • Maven 3.0+
  • Docker
  • AWS account (don't worry, the stuff will be doing in this example is eligible for free tier, that is you don't need to pay for this)
  • EB CLI

Build project and Docker image

Build the maven project and Docker image
mvn clean package -Pprod docker:build

Run application locally with docker-compose
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml up

Stop docker-compose
type Ctrl+C

Tag build image to push to AWS repo URI
docker tag jhipsta-app:latest

Get login command for AWS ECR
aws ecr get-login --region YOUR_AWS_REGION
This will generate docker login command that you need then to run

Push image to ECR
docker push

Setup ElasticBeanstalk application and environment

Initialize AWS ElasticBeanstalk application
eb init
and go with defaults

Create environment
eb create
and go with defaults

Running application

Update and deploy the app.
Run this from directory with
eb deploy

Run application locally with EB CLI
eb local run

Automated deployment

Please check my blog post on this