
A set of Symfony cache annotations

Primary LanguagePHP

A set of Symfony controller cache annotations

Annotation Description
@Cacheable If a key exists in the cache pool and it is not expired returns a cached value instead of a controller action invocation. Otherwise passes to a controller action and puts into the cache pool the result of the invocation.
@CacheEvict Removes a cached value from a cache pool.


composer require paveldanilin/response-cache-bundle


# Default values
    factory: 'lock.response_cache.factory'
    dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src'

lock.factory: A lock factory service, read more about lock component configuration.

controller.dir: A controller directory for annotation scan.



Enables caching behavior for a controller action method.


The default parameters:

  • key - a concatenated class name with a method name: App\Controller\MyController_doHeavyComputation
  • pool - cache.app
  • ttl - null (never gets expired)
  • condition - null
  * @Cacheable()
  * @Route("/api/v1/work", methods={"GET"}, name="do.work")
  * @return JsonResponse
public function doWork(Request $request): JsonResponse
    $data = doHeavyComputations();
    return new JsonResponse($data);


There are two types of keys:

  • static
  • dynamic

Static key

The static key is whether an empty value <className_methodName> or a string '<static_key>'.

For example: @Cacheable() or @Cacheable(key='my_item')

Dynamic key

The dynamic key starts from the '#' sign i.e. #<expression>.

Symfony expression language is used for the dynamic key computation.

The following variables can be used in the expression:

Variable Description Type
request Inbound request object \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
request_method Http request method string
request_uri Request URI string
request_locale Request Locale string

The functions can be used in the expression:

Function Description
query_val(key, def = '') * key string or array of strings
* def string
route_val(key, def = '') * key string or array of strings
* def string
body() Returns a request body content
body_json(path, def = '') Decodes a request body as json and returns the path value.


@Cacheable(key="#query_val('id', 'def_value')")
@Cacheable(key="#query_val(['id', 'x_query_param'])")
@Cacheable(key="#route_val(['id', 'x_route_param'])")
// Request body: {"account": {"id": 123}}
// The resolved key: 123


You can define your own cache pool and use it instead of the default cache.app. Keep in mind that the cache pool must be defined as public.


Time to live of the cache item in seconds. If not defined will be used a pool default value.


If we want more control over when the annotation is active, we can parameterize @Cacheable with a condition parameter that takes a Symfony expression and ensures that the results are cached based on evaluating that expression.


@CacheEvict(pool=<cache.pool.name>, key=<item.key.name>)

Console command

  • php ./bin/console debug:response-cache console-output.png