Account scraper

This project offers the following functionality:

  • Browser automation for downloading transaction report from and
  • Transaction categorization system
  • Browser automation to upload CSV files to
  • Extensible class system to add your banking accounts
  • CLI interface

How to start using it?

Add your banking accounts as runners into the combinedRunner.availableRunners in the main.js file, for example:

const combinedRunner = require('./runners/combined.runner.js');
	new CommerzbankRunner(
	    'commerzbank hahabu account', 
			bankAccount: '12345678',
			bankPin: '99999',
			hahabuUsername: '',
			hahabuPassword: '',

Then just start the project:

yarn start;

In the CLI use the following commands:

  • scrape [< name of the runner > | all ], to scrape the transactions report from the runner, for example scrape commerzbank_runner or scrape all. You will find the scraped CSV file in the workload/scraped folder.
  • categorize [< name of the runner > | all ], to categorize the transactions in the scraped transactions report, for example categorize commerzbank_runner or categorize all. You will find the categorized CSV file in the workload/categorized folder.
  • upload [< name of the runner > | all ], to upload the categorized transaction report to, for example upload commerzbank_runner or upload all
  • clean [< name of the runner > | all ], to remove the scraped and categorized files of the runner clean commerzbank_runner or clean all
  • exit, to exit the CLI

How to use categorization system

Just add categories to the config/categories.json, for example:

	  "usageRegex": "kaufland|edeka",  
	  "category": "Food"