
Web interface and API for RFID access system at Paralelni Polis

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Web API for RFID access system at Paralelni Polis.



Make sure you have the necessary dependencies before continuing.

Get the code:

git clone git@github.com:ParalelniPolis/rfid-access-system-api.git

Change into the project directory:

cd rfid-access-system-api

Install application dependencies via npm:

npm install

This will install all node modules that the project requires and build any needed web files (for the web GUI).

Running the Server

To run the node.js server app:

npm start


Configuration variables should be set via environment variables (database credentials, session secret, etc). The application's configuration options are contained in the config.js file. Do not modify config.js directly for this purpose.


If you are working on the server part of the app, then you should run the tests to verify that you haven't broken anything:

npm test