
A progressive webapp template.

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Flask PWA

A progressive webapp template.

Flask PWA is supposed to be a goto template when I start a new Flask project. It is constructed on a Model-Template-Controller perspective, which I find clear enough for my current projects.

You can check a live version at Heroku.


  • Blueprint oriented, Flask 1.0 project
  • Instantly deployable on Heroku
  • Off-the-shelf progressive web app behaviour
  • Service worker based on Workbox


> git clone https://github.com/umluizlima/flask-pwa
> cd flask-pwa
> pipenv install


Due to the current Service Worker specification, the web browser will only allow its registration if the application is served over https, or on localhost for development purposes.

This makes nGrok useful for testing the PWA functionality, as it allows you to expose localhost over the internet with https included.


> pipenv run flask run


> pipenv run flask run
> ngrok http 80



This project is licensed under MIT license.