
Command-line spaced-repetition learning software. CL (command line) + Anki (popular spaced-repetition software) = Clanki.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Command-line spaced-repetition learning software. CL (command line) + Anki (popular spaced-repetition software) = Clanki.


Usage is fairly simple, just follow the instructions after running the program. Add a deck, add cards to the deck, then quiz whenever possible. The program will determine what cards need to be reviewed, using the Super Memo 2 algorithm. Here's an example :



Quizzing is straight-forward, just run Clanki and select quiz from the menu, and Clanki will decide what cards you should review. There will be a question, and then it will ask for your answer. After you type your answer, you're asked to rate your answer, on a scale from 1 to 5. 1 is a complete blackout, and 5 is immediate recall.


As of right now, Clanki can only be installed through cabal, which is part of the haskell-platform. If you already have the haskell-platform, just run the following :

cabal update
cabal install clanki

The clanki executable should now be available in $HOME/.cabal/bin/.

##Command-line options

Clanki accepts argument when run, here are some examples :

Quiz on 2 cards from the deck 'derivatives' :

clanki derivatives 2

Quiz on all cards in the deck 'derivatives' :

clanki derivatives

List all decks :

clanki --list 'or' clanki -l

Display help :

clanki --help 'or' clanki -h

##Help wanted

If anyone reading this knows a bit about homebrew, I'd welcome a pull request, or some pointers on how to get my package on there.