
Intero Layer

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Intero layer


This layer adds Intero functionality on top of the Haskell layer.



  1. Clone this repository into your private directory
    git clone git@github.com:cydparser/spacemacs-intero.git ~/.emacs.d/private/intero
  2. Add intero to dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
  3. Restart Emacs


This layer requires Stack. The dependencies of the Haskell layer may also be installed. ghc-mod, GHCi-ng, and hasktags are disabled by this layer.

Key bindings

Only the key bindings defined by this layer are listed here. See the Haskell layer’s key bindings for more.

All Haskell specific bindings are prefixed with the major-mode leader SPC m.

Key BindingDescription
SPC m g ggo to definition


Documentation commands are prefixed by SPC m h:

Key BindingDescription
SPC m h iprint info of the identifier under the cursor
SPC m h tprint type of the identifier under the cursor
SPC m h Tinsert the type signature of the identifier under the cursor


Intero commands are prefixed by SPC m i:

Key BindingDescription
SPC m i cChange directory in backend process
SPC m i dReload DevelMain.hs (requires additional setup)
SPC m i kKill the current backend process
SPC m i lList backend process buffers
SPC m i rRestart backend process
SPC m i tChange the stack target


REPL commands are prefixed by SPC m s:

Key BindingDescription
SPC m s bload or reload the current buffer into the REPL
SPC m s rload or reload the current buffer and switch to the REPL
SPC m s sshow the REPL without switching to it
SPC m s Sshow and switch to the REPL