
Magento 2 extension to cancel orders automatically based on configuration

Primary LanguagePHP

Auto Order Cancel

Mage2 extension to cancel orders automatically based on configuration


STORES > Configuration > SALES > Sales > Auto Order Cancel

    Enable - Yes/No
    Order Statuses to be Canceled - List of all existing order statuses in the web store. Chose order statuses to be canceled.
    Cancel Orders Older Than (minutes) - Value in minutes
    Cancel Orders Recent Than (minutes) - Value in minutes
    Order History Comment - Comment to be added after auto cancel

Technical feature

    The auto cancel works on cron. 
    Cancellation is set up tp run each 5 minutes.
    Maximum order which can be canceled in one run is 10
    Cancellation starting from most recent order.


Enter following commands to install module:

    # install
    composer config repositories.kuzman_autoordercancel git https://github.com/vladankuzmanovic/magento2-module-auto-order-cancel.git
    composer require kuzman/module-auto-order-cancel:dev-master
    # enable
    php bin/magento module:enable Kuzman_AutoOrderCancel --clear-static-content
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile


Enter following commands to disable and uninstall module:

    # disable
    php bin/magento module:disable Kuzman_AutoOrderCancel --clear-static-content    
    # uninstall
    php bin/magento module:uninstall Kuzman_AutoOrderCancel --clear-static-content