This project aims to facilitate the conversion of Visual Studio to CMake projects.
- 3
Variable isn't applied properly.
#147 opened by jptrzy - 3
vcproj is not supported
#153 opened by lulu1085 - 6
index error replacement index 1 out of range for positional args tuple
#142 opened by ShivamMahajan10 - 15
[bad name] IndexError: Replacement index 1 out of range for positional args tuple
#128 opened by unruhschuh - 2
Question: From where to run the converter command?
#150 opened by DKGH - 1
Only getting Debug build
#151 opened by DKGH - 1
FR: convert Atmel Studio / Microchip Studio Projects to cmake (based on VS2015)
#149 opened by xeno27 - 1
It's giving me this error, I'm trying to convert the GARbro project to cmake, but something wrong is happening.
#148 opened by Arthurfogo7 - 2
Add support for Visual Studio 17 2022 generator
#146 opened by TEXflip - 0
- 1
- 4
No support of VS Qt projects
#121 opened by bLuka - 2
- 0
the path resolve of $(SolutionDir) is not corrected
#140 opened by Marskey - 1
Feature request: better support to entry options like "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS" for GNU CLI
#137 opened by Wongboo - 13
- 0
Support vcpkg dependencies
#135 opened by BullyWiiPlaza - 0
Option to create a single CMakeLists.txt
#133 opened by sergio-eld - 0
every time vcxproj contains: Import Condition="'$(CpuOnlyBuild)'=='false'" convert fails
#132 opened by lahavy - 0
- 2
add_custom_command_if cyclic dependency
#130 opened by aleiby - 0
Support to work on one configuration only
#129 opened by tllv - 0
- 0
Property file user macros not parsed ahead of time
#126 opened by palmada - 4
Self reference on target errors
#112 opened by EdTheC - 0
- 5
- 0
Wildcard support
#123 opened by jaenster - 1
- 3
props support for visual studio generator
#120 opened by prasooncheenan - 8
Support of target_precompile_headers
#102 opened by martin-s - 2
Msys/Cygwin python poorly supported.
#117 opened by smaudet - 3
Code does not properly support vs script pathing.
#118 opened by smaudet - 10
- 8
Cmakelist - create several sln files
#113 opened by Eldadc - 3
Introduce module parameter "configuration-filter"
#103 opened by martin-s - 1
- 1
Code cannot handle relative project setups.
#119 opened by smaudet - 5
- 0
ExceptionKeyError: ('Release', 'x64')
#111 opened by zzfnohell - 5
- 4
KeyError: ('Release', 'x64') in self.flags[context.current_setting][flag_name] = {} # reset default values
#109 opened by taigacon - 4
No support of conversion of .props files
#98 opened by kcris - 5
Support for CustomBuild items
#106 opened by The-42 - 4
Crash on parsing <PrecompiledHeader> without Condition attr ($(Configuration)|$(Platform))
#104 opened by martin-s - 2
- 0
VS macros not expanded in Import nodes
#99 opened by nitrocaster - 5
NameError: name 'cmake' is not defined
#96 opened by eakarpov - 0
Not defined, but used $(TargetName) in foobar.vcxproj leads to TARGET_NAME_(DEBUG|RELEASE) "...${TARGET_NAME}..." ... To break cyclic dependency CMake error use ${PROJECT_NAME}
#97 opened by bigla - 2
Crash on checking version of solution.
#95 opened by simonrenger