Spatial-kinematic modelling of a flat subsystem of the Milky Way by the method of maximum likelihood

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

To get the results

  1. Check out this repository.

  2. Make sure you have installed the following:

  3. Allow direnv to load the environment by executing direnv allow.

  4. While in the environment, run the compute.bash script.

Alternatively, you can download the results here or here.

To compile the diploma

  1. Prepare the tables:
./julia.bash scripts/diploma.jl -i results
  1. Compile the document:
tectonic -X compile diploma/diploma.tex

To compile the presentation

  1. Prepare the tables:
./julia.bash scripts/presentation.jl -i results
  1. Prepare the plots:
"${JULIA}" "${FIT_ROTCURVE}" -s -o "'${P_HMSFRS}'" -i "'$R_HMSFRS'" -n "${N_BEST_HMSFRS}" --alt-style
"${JULIA}" "${FIT_ROTCURVE}" -s -o "'${P_SOLAR_SC_2}'" -i "'$R_SOLAR_SC_2'" -n "${N_BEST_SOLAR}" --alt-style
"${JULIA}" "${PARALLAXES}" -i "'${R_HMSFRS}'" -o "'${P_HMSFRS}'" -n "${N_BEST_HMSFRS}" --alt-style
"${JULIA}" "${PROFILES}" -i "'${R_HMSFRS}'" -o "'${P_HMSFRS}'" -n "${N_BEST_HMSFRS}" --alt-style
"${JULIA}" "${INNER_PROFILES}" -i "'${R_HMSFRS}'" -o "'${P_HMSFRS}'" -n "${N_BEST_HMSFRS}" --alt-style
  1. Compile the document:
tectonic -X compile presentation/presentation.tex






This project provides Rust crates. To build them, use Cargo.


To run tests, consider using nextest.


To build a crate's documentation with KaTeX support, run:

cargo doc
RUSTDOCFLAGS="--html-in-header assets/katex-header.html" cargo doc --no-deps --open


This project provides Julia scripts. Make sure to use the project files (Project.toml) when running them:

julia --project=. -e "using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"
julia --project=. scripts/script.jl

Alternatively, you can use the julia.bash script, which starts a daemon and runs scripts through it:

julia --project=. -e "using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"
./julia.bash scripts/script.jl

To kill the daemon run

./julia.bash kill