
Update a pinned gist to contain your _Code::Stats_

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


💻 Update a pinned gist to contain your Code::Stats stats

Update gist with Code::Stats stats

📌✨ For more pinned-gist projects like this one, check out: https://github.com/matchai/awesome-pinned-gists

🎒 Prep Work

  1. Make sure you have a Code::Stats account! (Get one at https://codestats.net/ if you don't!)
  2. Create a new public GitHub Gist (https://gist.github.com/)
  3. Create a token with the gist scope and copy it. (https://github.com/settings/tokens/new)
  4. Copy the API token

🖥 Project Setup

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Go to your fork's Settings > Secrets > Add a new secret for each environment secret (below)

🤫 Environment Secrets

  • GH_TOKEN: The GitHub token generated above.

  • GIST_ID: The ID portion from your gist url:


    (Alternatively this can be put directly in .github/workflows/codestats.yml as it is public anyway.)

  • CODE_STATS_USERNAME: Your Code::Stats username. (This can also be put directly in the yml)

  • STATS_TYPE: (Optional) Type of stats, supported values:

    • level-xp: (Default) Shows total and language XPs with level, sorted by XP:

      💻 My Code::Stats XP (Top Languages)
      Total XP :::::::::::::::::::::: lvl  26 (1,104,152 XP)
      Java :::::::::::::::::::::::::: lvl  19 (  580,523 XP)
    • recent-xp: Shows total and language XPs with level and recent xp, sorted by recent XP:

      💻 My Code::Stats XP (Recent Languages)
      Total XP ::::::::::::: lvl  26 (1,104,152 XP) (+1,874)
      Python ::::::::::::::: lvl   7 (   82,719 XP) (+1,789)
    • xp: Shows total and language XPs, sorted by XP:

      💻 My Code::Stats XP (Top Languages)
      Total XP :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1,104,152 XP
      Java ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   580,523 XP

    (This can also be put directly in .github/workflows/codestats.yml)

🤓 Hacking

# setup
pipenv install --dev
# testing
# only content
pipenv run python codestats_box.py test <codestats-user> <stats-type>
# content and gist update
pipenv run python codestats_box.py test <codestats-user> <stats-type> <gist-id> <github-token>
# example
# pipenv run python codestats_box.py test aksh recent-xp ce5221fc5f3739d2c81ce7db99f17519 cf9181618bf1618253d17161843f71a2bb161850