
Goal: Demonstrate the ability to automate the deployment of dockerized application

Infrastructure and tools

  • AWS EC2 (or other AWS server-less service)
  • AWS S3
  • Docker and your preferred docker image
  • Ansible / terraform
  • Python


  1. Download regularly (e.g. daily / hourly) some dataset from the free data provider.
    If you down know any, choose from:
  2. Store downloaded dataset to S3 bucket
  3. From every downloaded dataset, extract some specific data (eg data relevant for Czechia, Prague, ...)
  4. Display all extracted data using a single HTML page served from S3. A simple table is enough.
  5. Present the result


  • Use well-known language (preferable Python 3) to create an application
  • Create a docker to encapsulate the application logic
  • Use the latest ansible / terraform to automate the deployment of the application (docker)
  • Put all your source code in a public git repository (e.g. Github)
  • Use Readme.MD file for the documentation (while evaluating we will use it)
  • If you find problems or do not implement something, you should mention it there

Bonus points

  • Replace EC2 with AWS serverless offering
  • Document the next steps to make this small application being ready for production
  • Create CI / CD pipelines for your deployment
  • Use your imagination and provide more than expected