
Telegram bot that send you a snapshot from IP camera using ffmpeg

Primary LanguagePerl

Telegram bot that send you a snapshot from IP camera using ffmpeg

In addition sends random funny phrase as shapshot caption from random key of camshotbot.conf


1. Install ffmpeg

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

2. Install dependencies

go to root bot folder and run sudo cpanm --installdeps .

If you don't have cpanm at your system install it with: sudo cpan App::cpanminus

3. Check that camera is available

Bot requires that you must be able to get a screenshot from camera on server where bot is running by single command

Bot was created specially for @FabLab61.

At @FabLab61 there is an Xiaomi YI Ants IP webcamera.

Server has access to camera via VPN so we can get a screenshot using ffmpeg by following command:

ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -i rtsp:// -f image2 -vframes 1 test.jpg

You can execute this command locally to check camera

Also you can open a stream url (like rtsp:// in vlc to check that speed of video straming is enough and delay isn't so big

4. Edit camshotbot.conf


  hypnotoad => {
    listen  => ['http://*:8099']
  random => [
    "How beautiful FabLab looks like, isnt it?",
    "Don't be a dick, clean up that mess!",
    "Common sense is not so common... ;)",
   	"Just do it",
   	"We make porn here",
   	"FabLab is priceless, for other things we have MasterCard",
   	"Don't judge a book by its cover",
   	"There will be clean when pigs fly",
   	"Space where you can wear your heart on your sleeve",
   	"Silicon Valley for hardware",
   	"Do-ocracy born here",
   	"Don't govern. Just do",
   	"Fuck a day keeps the doctor away",
   	"Quick and dirty",
   	"Curiosity killed the cat",
   	"FabLab - pushing the envelope",
   	"FabLab - where the bodies are buried",
   	"Learn by doing",
   	"Life is short. Do stuff that matters"
  telegram_api_token => '267111731:AAHJSqyyjbVBh0pAOr677WoUxi-juMpWKto',
  polling => 0,		# set to 0 if you want to work via webhooks
  polling_timeout => 3,
  last_shot_filename => 'latest.jpg',
  vpn_ip => '', # for /status output
  stream_url => 'rtsp://',
  bot_domain => 'https://camerabot.fablab61.ru', # needed for webhooks. must be https
  log_file => 'log/production.log',
  debug => 1

5. Run bot with hypnotoad

hyphotoad camshotbot.pl

6. Setup webhooks

  1. Get bot available via http at some domain

  2. Run domain over https only with Let's encrypt

a@FabServer:~# sudo ./certbot-auto --nginx -d camerabot.fablab61.ru

  1. Check that bot_domain set at camshotbot.conf

  2. Run get request camshotbot.pl get /setwebhook (or do it via web browser)

Development guidelines

If using polling in order to avoid getting duplicate updates, recalculate offset after each server response


Why my bot isn't working or working with errors?

Check camshotbot.pl get /setwebhook output. It will show potential problems with VPN or Telegram API

Normally result must be like

{"telegram_api":{"ok":true,"result":{"first_name":"FabLab61 get camshot","id":267111731,"username":"camshot_bot"}},"vpn_status":"up"}

Also you can check

<bot_domain>/webtail page

and files in log folder using tail -f option

Can I use non IP camera?

Yes. For that you need to edit $cmd variable