
Resolution Asymmetric Metric Learning

Primary LanguagePython

Resolution Asymmetric Metric Learning

Large-to-small Image Resolution Asymmetry in Deep Metric Learning, Suma P., Tolias G. [arXiv]


This repository provides the means to train and test all the models presented in the paper. This includes:

  1. Code to train the models with and without the teacher (asymmetric and symmetric).
  2. Code to do symmetric and asymmetric testing.
  3. Best pre-trainend teacher models.

Other standard backbone architectures from torchvision and timm should load off the bat.


Necessary python libraries to run this repository are specified in the file requirements.txt which can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt. If you wish to optimize the hyperparameters, you have to additionally pip install optuna.

Reproducing the paper

First, download the datasets used in the paper with the provided commands below (assuming the data to be located in the current folder).


wget https://data.caltech.edu/records/65de6-vp158/files/CUB_200_2011.tgz
mkdir -p data/cub && tar -xf CUB_200_2011.tgz -C data/cub --strip-components=1
rm CUB_200_2011.tgz


mkdir -p data/cars && cd $_
wget http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/car196/car_ims.tgz
wget http://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/car196/cars_annos.mat
tar -xf car_ims.tgz && rm car_ims.tgz


wget ftp://cs.stanford.edu/cs/cvgl/Stanford_Online_Products.zip -P data/sop
cd data/sop && ln -s . Stanford_Online_Products && unzip Stanford_Online_Products.zip
rm Stanford_Online_Products && rm Stanford_Online_Products.zip

Minimal command to reproduce the resolution distillation approach of our paper is:

python main.py [-h] (--student-path NETWORK | --student NETWORK)
                    (--teacher-path NETWORK | --teacher NETWORK)
                    [--training-dataset DATASET] [--test-datasets DATASETS] 
                    [--directory EXPORT_DIR] [--data-root DATA_DIR]
                    [--teacher-image-size DR] [--image-size QR]
                    [--lr LR] [--lam-1 L1] [--lam-2 L2]

Optimized hyperparameters for each dataset and the default seed (1234) along with the resulting score:

Dataset DR QR LR λ1 λ2 Asym mAP Asym R@1 Sym mAP Sym R@1
cub 448 224 1.4025e-4 0.7718 0.6684 40.80 70.43 41.08 71.79
cars 448 224 1.1692e-4 0.6371 0.7731 39.43 85.06 40.19 86.87
sop 448 224 1.7579e-4 0.7482 0.6778 60.23 81.14 60.49 81.44

The available TEACHER model names have the following format {dataset}-{resolution}r-resnet50-512-gem-w, such as cub-448r-resnet50-512-gem-w


python main.py --training-dataset 'cub' --test-datasets 'cub-test' \
               --directory 'exp' --data-root 'data' \
               --student 'resnet50' --teacher-path 'cub-448r-resnet50-512-gem-w' \
               --teacher-image-size 448 --image-size 224 \
               --lr 1.4025e-4 --lam-1 0.7718 --lam-2 0.6684

Test the models

To only obtain a test performance of a model:

python test.py [-h] (--student-path NETWORK | --student NETWORK)
                    (--teacher-path NETWORK | --teacher NETWORK)
               [--datasets DATASETS] [--data-root DATA_DIR]
               [--image-size N] [--teacher-image-size N] 
               [--sym] [--workers]

Asymmetric test only runs if either --teacher-path or --teacher is specified. If --sym argument is present, symmetric test is performed. To test only a single model sym. performance, load the network as a student.


Perform symmetric test with a pre-trained teacher model:

python test.py --datasets 'cub-test' --sym \
               --student-path 'cub-448r-resnet50-512-gem-w' \ 
               --image-size 224

Perform both symmetric and asymmetric test of distilled model:

python test.py --datasets 'cub-test' --sym \
               --student-path 'cub-S224r-T448r-resnet50-512-gem-w' \
               --teacher-path 'cub-448r-resnet50-512-gem-w' \
               --image-size 224 --teacher-image-size 448

Using your own dataset

This repository defines a train/val/test split in a dictionary file with the following structure:

split = {
    'train': [[class_1_img_1, class_1_img_2], [class_2_img_1, ...], ...],
    'test': [[...]],
    'val': [[...]]

where each list contains lists of strings of image paths coming from the same class. The given paths should be relative to the dataset folder. In order to register your dataset, add an if-branch in get_dataset_config function inside lib/datasets/datahelpers.py which loads the split dictionary. By default, the code looks up the dataset folder with the given name in the data_root folder specified in arguments.

Additional run arguments

All possible arguments for training are listed below.

python main.py [-h] (--student-path SNETWORK | --student STUDENT)
                    (--teacher-path TNETWORK | --teacher TEACHER)
                  [--pool POOL] [--whitening DIM] 
                  [--training-dataset DATASET] [--directory EXPORT_DIR]
                  [--test-datasets DATASETS] [--data-root DATA_DIR]
                  [--no-val] [--val-freq N] [--save-freq N]
                  [--not-pretrained] [--loss LOSS] [--loss-margin LM] 
                  [--mode MODE] [--image-size N] [--teacher-image-size N]
                  [--neg-num N] [--query-size N] [--pool-size N]
                  [--pos-num N] [--lam-1 N] [--lam-2 N] 
                  [--batch-size N] [--update-every N] [--epochs N] [--lr LR]
                  [--optimizer OPTIMIZER] [--scheduler SCHEDULER]
                  [--gpu-id N] [--workers N] [--momentum M] [--weight-decay W]
                  [--print-freq N] [--comment COMMENT]
                  [--optimize] [--seed SEED] [--resume-student FILENAME]
  • --data-root is the system path to the folder with datasets
  • --directory is the system path to the output of the single experiment. Resulting model and optionally tensorboard log will be stored there.
  • --pool selects the global pooling method after the last embedding layer of the backbone network, options are gem, gemmp, mac (max), spoc (avg)
  • --whitening appends a linear layer after the global pooling with the specified output dimension
  • --mode can be one of ts_aug, ts_reg or sym. The first two correspond to distillation with the full loss or just the absolute term. The last option is for standard symmetric metric learning with triplet loss.
  • --pos-num sets the number of augmentations per image in distillation modes
  • --query-size defines how many images are processed in one epoch (bounded by the total dataset size)
  • --loss-margin only applies to triplet loss, i.e. when mode is set to --sym
  • --neg-num represents the number of negatives per anchor in triplet loss
  • --pool-size is the size of the randomly selected pool of images used to mine negatives for triplet loss (bounded by the total dataset size)
  • --scheduler can be one of onecycle, cyclic, exponential or none
  • --optimizer can be one of adam, adamW and sgd
  • --update-every may be facilitated to create virtually larger batch size, such that the total batch size is batch-size * update-every but only batch-size * pos-num images have to fit in the VRAM at the same time


This code is based on the two amazing repositories:

  1. CNN Image Retrieval in PyTorch: Training and evaluating CNNs for Image Retrieval in PyTorch by F. Radenović.
  2. Asymmetric metric learning by M. Budnik.