
Test for Bibik Andrei

Primary LanguageRuby


Please read carefully if you are a newcomer!

First time launch

  1. Download source code: git clone git@github.com:PavelTyk/bibik-test.git

  2. If you use RVM, add necessary config files. For example: echo '2.3.1' > .ruby-version; echo 'bibik' > .ruby-gemset. Please do not checkin those files to repo (use ~/.gitignore_global).

  3. Install gems: bundle install

  4. Launch the server and all dependencies: foreman s. The app should be accessible via localhost:9292/

Source Code Style Guide

  • Use UTF-8 as the source file encoding.

  • Use two spaces per indentation level (aka soft tabs). No hard tabs.

  • Avoid trailing whitespace.

  • End each file with a newline!!!

  • Use Unix-style line endings. (*BSD/Solaris/Linux/OS X users are covered by default, Windows users have to be extra careful.) Run git config --global core.autocrlf true if you on Windows, and run git config --global core.autocrlf input if you on Max/Linux.

  • No spaces after (, [ or before ], ).

  • Use empty lines between method definitions and also to break up methods into logical paragraphs internally.

More info: github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide#source-code-layout