
Easy SMS gem

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Easy SMS

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The Easy SMS gem is a wrapper for Easy SMS API. Currently Easy SMS API available as a Heroku add-on Easy SMS only.

Using with Ruby/Rails

First of all you will need to install the easy-sms gem. And add it to a Gemfile if needed.

$ gem install easy-sms

Sending SMS

You can send SMS right away with the ENV['EASYSMS_URL'] and 'easy-sms' gem installed in your app. No additional configuration required.

Use EasySMS::Client#messages.create(options) to send SMS. Options:

  • to - required. Recipient phone number in E.164 format. Example: '+12067450316'
  • from - optional. Sender phone number in E.164 format. Example: '+12067450316'
  • body - required. The text body of the message. Up to 1600 characters long.
require 'easy-sms'

# By default initializer will use the EASYSMS_URL config variable to configure the client instance.
client = EasySMS::Client.new
puts client.messages.create to: '+12067450316', body: 'Hello from Easy SMS.' #=> {"body"=>"Hello from Easy SMS.", "c_at"=>2016-01-25 13:58:38 UTC, "from"=>nil, "status"=>"pending", "to"=>"+12067450316", "uid"=>"56a62a0ebbf109000c000000"}
# The received SMS can be seen at: http://sms-receive.net/12067450316-USA (free web service to receive SMS online)

Note the status of SMS is 'pending', which mean the SMS is not delivered yet. It will take a few seconds to process the SMS. You may receive HTTP POST requests to the status callback URL once SMS delivery status change. To do so, please specify the sms_status_url for your account. Read more

Creating and releasing phone numbers

Use EasySMS::Client#phone_numbers.create(options) to create a phone number. Options:

  • country_code - optional. Two-letter country code of the phone number. Default 'US'
  • pattern - optional. The pattern of the phone number. Default is nil. Example: '*******654'
  • inbound_sms_url - optional. The callback URL to be triggered when your phone number receives SMS. Example: 'http://api.example.com/sms/callback'
require 'easy-sms'

client = EasySMS::Client.new
phone_number = client.phone_numbers.create #=> {"inbound_sms_url"=>nil, "phone_number"=>"+12183011654", "primary"=>true, "uid"=>"56a630d53017290006000000", "country_code"=>"US"}
puts "Purchased phone number #{phone_number['phone_number']}"
puts "Released phone number #{phone_number['phone_number']}"

The EasySMS::Client#phone_numbers.delete(uid) method is used to release a phone number. This method accepts one argument - phone number UID (the one returned by EasySMS::Client#phone_numbers.create).

Receiving SMS

Any inbound SMS to one of your phone numbers will trigger a HTTP POST request to your callback URL. You may set the callback url on the phone number instance via the EasySMS::Client#phone_numbers.update method, or pass the inbound_sms_url option to EasySMS::Client#phone_numbers.create when you create a phone number.

EasySMS::Client#phone_numbers.update(uid, options) accepts phone number UID and options:

require 'easy-sms'

client = EasySMS::Client.new
phone_numbers = client.phone_numbers.list
uid = phone_numbers.list.first['uid']
client.phone_numbers.update(uid, inbound_sms_url: 'http://api.example.com/sms/callback') #=> {message_uid: '56a21298778404d264000000', to: '+12183011654', from: '+12183011699', body: 'Hello there!', direction: 'inbound', c_at: '2016-01-22 14:53:04 UTC'}

The POST request to your callback URL will include these parameters:

  • message_uid - UID of the message. A 24 characters string.
  • to - recipient phone number (one of your phone numbers) in E.164 format. Example: '+12067450316'
  • from - sender phone number in E.164 format. Example: '+12067450399'
  • body - text body of SMS.
  • direction - 'inbound'.
  • c_at - time when SMS was received. Example: '2016-01-22 14:53:04 UTC'

Configuring Easy SMS Account

You may want to fine tune your account. To check current account state run EasySMS::client.account.get. The result is a hash with valuable information for current account status and configuration.

Use EasySMS::client.account.update(options) to update your account configuration. Options:

client = EasySMS::Client.new
client.account.get #=> {"plan"=>"gold", "sms_status_url"=>nil, "uid"=>"56a21186778404d266000001"}
client.account.update(sms_status_url: 'http://api.example.com/sms-status/callback') #=> {"plan"=>"gold", "sms_status_url"=>"http://api.example.com/sms-status/callback", "uid"=>"56a21186778404d266000001"}

Local Setup

After provisioning the add-on it’s necessary to locally replicate the config vars so your development environment can operate against the service.

Use the Foreman gem for example to run a commands within environment loaded from .env file. Add the EASYSMS_URL variable to your .env file.


Though less portable it’s also possible to run a script using export EASYSMS_URL=https://<account_id>:<token>@api.easysmsapp.com/accounts/<account_id> ruby script.rb.