
An ecommerce website for books. develop using CodeIgniter framework for PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


An ecommerce website for books. develop using CodeIgniter framework for PHP https://studentsiitac-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/pavith_2015238_iit_ac_lk/EdyH7fqGl0xMjbKIEANyXoUBpM40fCUo0ja-n81Tz0_4YA?e=NciT44


In collaboration with

The University of Westminster, UK



Advance Server Side Web Programming



Student No: 2015238 / W1608462


Browse Books by Categories3

View All Books in a Category with Pagination4

Add a Book to a Shopping Basket5

View the Shopping Basket (Editing)6

Admin Login7

Create New Categories8

Add New Book9

Search for a Book by Title / Author10

View Individual Books Details / Visitor Statistics10

Track User11

Recommended Books12

Codeigniter Configurations13


Appendix – A (Controllers)13







Appendix – B (Views)27










Appendix – C (Models)62





Browse Books by Categories

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] HomeController [Symbol] index() function

View All Books in a Category with Pagination

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] CategoryBookController [Symbol] loadPaginatedBooks() function

Add a Book to a Shopping Basket

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] BookDetailsController [Symbol] bookDetails() function

View the Shopping Basket (Editing)

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] CartController [Symbol] addBookToCart() function

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] CartController [Symbol] updatQty() function

Admin Login

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] LoginController [Symbol] adminLogin() function

Create New Categories

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] AdminController [Symbol] addNewCategory() function

Add New Book

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] AdminController [Symbol] addnewBook() function

Search for a Book by Title / Author

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] HomeController [Symbol] search() function

View Individual Books Details / Visitor Statistics

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] BookDetailsController [Symbol] getBookViewCount() function

Track User

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] BookDetailsController [Symbol] bookDetails() function

Recommended Books

Refer Appendix -A [Symbol] BookDetailsController [Symbol] bookDetails() function

Codeigniter Configurations

Set base path in config/config.php:

$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/BookStorm/';

Set libraries and helpers to preload in config/autoload.php:

$autoload['libraries'] = array('database','form_validation','session','cart','pagination','upload');

$autoload['helper'] = array('url','form');

Configure database in config/database.php:

$db['default'] = array(

    'dsn'   => '',

    'hostname' => 'localhost',

    'username' => 'root',

    'password' => '',

    'database' => 'bookstorm',

    'dbdriver' => 'mysqli',

    'dbprefix' => '',

    'pconnect' => FALSE,

    'db_debug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),

    'cache_on' => FALSE,

    'cachedir' => '',

    'char_set' => 'utf8',

    'dbcollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',

    'swap_pre' => '',

    'encrypt' => FALSE,

    'compress' => FALSE,

    'stricton' => FALSE,

    'failover' => array(),

    'save_queries' => TRUE



Appendix – A (Controllers)


This controller for handle all the admin role related manipulations and logics such as add new books

load -> model('CategoryModel'); $this -> load -> model('BookModel'); } public function index() { if ((isset($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']))) { $data['categories'] = $this -> CategoryModel -> getAllCategory() -> result(); $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('AdminView', $data); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } else { redirect('HomeController', 'location'); } } public function validateNewCategory() { $bookConfigRules = array( array( 'field' => 'cName', 'label' => 'Category Name', 'rules' => 'trim|required' ), array( 'field' => 'cDescription', 'label' => 'Category Description', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[2000]' ) ); $this -> form_validation -> set_rules($bookConfigRules); if ($this -> form_validation -> run() == FALSE) { if ((isset($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']))) { redirect('AdminController', 'location'); } else { redirect('HomeController', 'location'); } } else { $this -> addNewCategory(); } } public function addNewCategory() { // $abc = $this->uploadImage(); if ((isset($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']))) { $categoryName = $this -> input -> post('cName'); $categoryDescription = $this -> input -> post('cDescription'); // $bookCoverPath = $this->uploadImage(); $bookCoverPath = 'defaultCategory.jpg'; $this -> CategoryModel -> insertNewCategory($categoryName, $categoryDescription, $bookCoverPath); // redirect to admin add book page redirect('AdminController', 'location'); } else { //redirect to admin login page redirect('HomeController', 'location'); } } public function validateNewBook() { $bookConfigRules = array( array( 'field' => 'bTitle', 'label' => 'Book Title', 'rules' => 'trim|required' ), array( 'field' => 'bDescription', 'label' => 'Book Description', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[1000]', 'errors' => array( 'required' => 'You must provide a %s.', ), ), array( 'field' => 'bAuthor', 'label' => 'Book Author', 'rules' => 'trim|required' ), array( 'field' => 'bPrice', 'label' => 'Book Price', 'rules' => 'trim|required' ), array( 'field' => 'bRating', 'label' => 'Book Rating', 'rules' => 'required' ), array( 'field' => 'bCategory', 'label' => 'Book Category', 'rules' => 'trim|required' ) ); $this -> form_validation -> set_rules($bookConfigRules); if ($this -> form_validation -> run() == FALSE) { if ((isset($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']))) { redirect('AdminController', 'location'); } else { redirect('HomeController', 'location'); } } else { $this -> addNewBook(); } } public function addNewBook() { // $abc = $this->uploadImage(); if ((isset($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']))) { $bookTitle = $this -> input -> post('bTitle'); $bookAuthor = $this -> input -> post('bAuthor'); $bookCategory = $this -> input -> post('bCategory'); $bookPrice = $this -> input -> post('bPrice'); $bookDescription = $this -> input -> post('bDescription'); $bookRating = $this -> input -> post('bRating'); $bookCoverPath = $this -> uploadImage(); $bookCoverPath = 'default.jpg'; $this -> BookModel -> insertNewBook($bookTitle, $bookDescription, $bookCoverPath, $bookPrice, $bookAuthor, $bookCategory); // redirect to admin add book page redirect('AdminController', 'location'); } else { //redirect to admin login page redirect('HomeController', 'location'); } } // public function uploadImage() // { // $config['upload_path'] = './assets/'; // $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; // $config['max_size'] = 100; // $config['max_width'] = 2048; // $config['max_height'] = 2048; // $this->load->library('upload', $config); // if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload('userfile')) // { // $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); // echo 'error'; // $this->load->view('upload_form', $error); // } // else // { // $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); // echo $data['upload_data']; // } // } public function uploadImage() { $config = array(); $config['upload_path'] = '../assets/images'; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|jpeg|JPG'; $config['max_size'] = '4096'; $config['max_width'] = '1024'; $config['max_height'] = '768'; $this -> load -> library('upload', $config); $this -> upload -> initialize($config); // $image = null; if (!$this -> upload -> do_upload('userfile')) { $errors = array('error' => $this -> upload -> display_errors()); } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this -> upload -> data()); $image = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; } if ($image == null) { $ImageUrl = 'image-not-available.jpg'; } else { $ImageUrl = $image; } return $ImageUrl; } } ?>


This controller handle user tracking features and book recommendation and visitor statistics features

load -> model('VisitModel'); $data['recomendBook'] = $this -> VisitModel -> getRecomendations($bookID); $data['currentBook'] = $bookID; if (!($this -> session -> userdata('userID'))) { $userID = uniqid(); $this -> session -> set_userdata('userID', $userID); } date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Colombo'); # add your city to set local time zone $dateTime = new dateTime(); $timestamp = $dateTime -> getTimestamp(); if (!(isset($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this -> session -> userdata['isAdmin']))) { $this -> load -> model('VisitModel'); $this -> VisitModel -> addVisit($this -> session -> userdata('userID'), session_id(), $bookID, $timestamp); } $this -> load -> model('BookModel'); $data['bookDetails'] = $this -> BookModel -> getBookByID($bookID); $data['viewedCount'] = $this -> getBookViewCount($bookID); $data['visitorsCount'] = $this -> getBookViewUserCount($bookID); $data['lastViewedDate'] = $this -> getBookLastView($bookID); $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('BookDetailsView', $data); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } //function to get book viewed count data public function getBookViewCount($bookID) { $this -> load -> model('VisitModel'); $viewedCount = $this -> VisitModel -> getBookViewCount($bookID); return $viewedCount; } //function to get user count for the book public function getBookViewUserCount($bookID) { $this -> load -> model('VisitModel'); $userCount = $this -> VisitModel -> getBookViewUserCount($bookID); return $userCount; } //function to get user last book viewed date public function getBookLastView($bookID) { $this -> load -> model('VisitModel'); $bookDetails = $this -> VisitModel -> getBookLastView($bookID); if ($bookDetails != NULL) { $viewedDate = date('Y-M-d H:i:s', $bookDetails -> timestamp); } else { $viewedDate = 'N/A'; } return $viewedDate; } } ?>


This controller handle cart related logics such as add to cart , update cart and view cart

$this -> input -> post('bookID'), 'qty' => $this -> input -> post('qty'), 'price' => $this -> input -> post('bookPrice'), 'name' => $this -> input -> post('bookTitle'), ); $this -> cart -> insert($data); // $this->cart->destroy(); redirect($this -> input -> post('redirectTo'), 'location'); } public function viewCart() { $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('CartView'); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } public function updateQty($option, $cartRow) { $newQty = 0; if ($option === 'increment') { $newQty = $this -> cart -> get_item($cartRow)['qty'] + 1; } else if ($option === 'decrement') { $newQty = $this -> cart -> get_item($cartRow)['qty'] - 1; } else if ($option === 'remove') { $newQty = 0; } $data = array( 'rowid' => $cartRow, 'qty' => $newQty ); $this -> cart -> update($data); $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('CartView'); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } } ?>


load -> model('BookModel'); $this -> load -> model('CategoryModel'); } public function loadPaginatedBooks() { $data['categoryBooks'] = $this -> BookModel -> getBooksByCategory($categoryID) -> result(); $data['category'] = $this -> CategoryModel -> getCategoryByID($categoryID); $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('CategoryBookView', $data); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } public function categoryBooks($categoryID) { $config = array(); $config["base_url"] = base_url(). "CategoryBookController/categoryBooks/".$categoryID; $config["total_rows"] = $this -> BookModel -> booksPerCategory($categoryID); $config["per_page"] = 8; $config["uri_segment"] = 4; $config['attributes'] = array('class' => ' page-item page-link'); $this -> pagination -> initialize($config); $page = ($this -> uri -> segment(4)) ? $this -> uri -> segment(4) : 0; $data["categoryBooks"] = $this -> BookModel -> fetchBooksByCategory($config["per_page"], $page, $categoryID); $data['category'] = $this -> CategoryModel -> getCategoryByID($categoryID); $data["links"] = $this -> pagination -> create_links(); $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('CategoryBookView', $data); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } } ?>


This controller for load home page and display categories

load -> model('CategoryModel'); $data['allCategory'] = $this -> CategoryModel -> getAllCategory() -> result(); $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('HomeView', $data); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } public function search() { $searchKeyword = $this -> input -> post('search'); $data['searchKeyword'] = $searchKeyword; $this -> load -> model('BookModel'); $data['searchResult'] = $this -> BookModel -> getSearchResult($searchKeyword); $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('SearchView', $data); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } } ?>


This controller manipulate admin authentication actions

load -> model('AdminModel'); } public function index() { $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('LoginView'); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } public function adminLogin() { $this -> form_validation -> set_rules('username', 'Username', 'trim|required'); $this -> form_validation -> set_rules('password', 'Password', 'trim|required'); if ($this -> form_validation -> run() == FALSE) { // if(isset($this->session->userdata['logged_in'])){ // $this->load->view('admin_page'); // }else{ $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('LoginView'); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); // } // echo "validation error"; } else { $data = array( 'username' => $this -> input -> post('username'), 'password' => $this -> input -> post('password') ); $result = $this -> AdminModel -> authAdmin($data); if ($result == TRUE) { $username = $this -> input -> post('username'); $result = $this -> AdminModel -> adminData($username); if ($result != false) { $session_data = array( 'firstname' => $result[0] -> firstname, 'lastname' => $result[0] -> lastname ); $this -> session -> set_userdata('adminData', $session_data); $this -> session -> set_userdata('isAdmin', true); redirect('AdminController', 'location'); } } else { $data = array( 'error_message' => 'Invalid Username or Password' ); // $this->load->view('login_form', $data); $this -> load -> view('partials/header'); $this -> load -> view('LoginView', $data); $this -> load -> view('partials/footer'); } } } public function logOut() { // Removing session data $sess_array = array( 'username' => '' ); $this -> session -> unset_userdata('adminData', $sess_array); $this -> session -> set_userdata('isAdmin', false); // $data['message_display'] = 'Successfully Logout'; // $this->load->view('login_form', $data); redirect("HomeController", 'location'); } } ?>

Appendix – B (Views)


This generate admin panel to add new categories and add new books to data base for admin

<!--Grid row--> 

<div class="row wow fadeIn"> 

  <!--Grid column--> 

  <div style="text-align: center; padding-top: 5%;" class="col-md-6 mb-4"> 

    <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>application/libraries/img/bookcovers/<?php echo $bookDetails->bookID; ?>.jpg" 

      class="img-fluid" alt=""> 


  <!--Grid column--> 

  <!--Grid column--> 

  <div class="col-md-6 mb-4"> 


    <div class="p-4"> 

      <div class="mb-3"> 

        <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>CategoryBookController/categoryBooks/<?php echo $bookDetails->categoryID; ?>"> 

          <span class="badge purple mr-1"> 

            <?php echo $bookDetails->categoryName; ?></span> 


        <a href=""> 

          <span class="badge blue mr-1">New</span> 


        <a href=""> 

          <span class="badge red mr-1">Bestseller</span> 



      <h3 class="secondary-heading font-weight-bold"> 

        <?php echo $bookDetails->bookTitle; ?> 


      <div style="display:flex"> 

        <h5 style="padding-left:1em" class="secondary-heading">- by 

          <?php echo $bookDetails->author; ?> 



        <ul style="color: #ffa000; list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin-left: 10px;" class="rating"> 

          <?php $x = 1; while($x <= $bookDetails->rating) { ?> 

          <li style="display: inline-block;"> 

            <i class="fa fa-star"></i> 


          <?php $x++; } ?> 

          <?php $y = 1; while($y <= 5 - $bookDetails->rating) { ?> 

          <li style="display: inline-block;"> 

            <i class="fa fa-star-o"></i> 


          <?php $y++; } ?> 




      <!-- <h5 class="font-weight-bold mt-3"><?php echo $bookDetails->bookTitle; ?></h5> --> 

      <p class="lead"> 

        <span class="mr-1"> 


            <?php echo $bookDetails->bookPrice + 10; ?></del> 



          <?php echo $bookDetails->bookPrice; ?></span> 


      <!-- <p class="lead font-weight-bold">Description</p> --> 


        <?php echo $bookDetails->bookDescription; ?> 


      <?php if (isset($this->session->userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this->session->userdata['isAdmin'])) { ?> 

      <div class="accordion md-accordion" id="accordionEx" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true"> 

        <!-- Accordion card --> 

        <div class="card"> 

          <!-- Card header --> 

          <div class="card-header" role="tab" id="headingOne1"> 

            <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordionEx" href="#collapseOne1" aria-expanded="false" 

              aria-controls="collapseOne1" class="collapsed"> 

              <h5 class="mb-0"> 

                Visitor Statistics 

                <i class="fa fa-angle-down rotate-icon"></i> 




          <!-- Card body --> 

          <div id="collapseOne1" class="collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="headingOne1" data-parent="#accordionEx" 


            <div class="card-body"> 

              <ul style="font-size:20px" class="list-group"> 

                <li style="    border: none;" class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"> 

                  Total Visits 

                  <span class="badge badge-primary badge-pill"> 

                    <?php echo $viewedCount;  ?> </span> 


                <li style="    border: none;" class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"> 

                  visitor Count 

                  <span class="badge badge-primary badge-pill"> 

                    <?php echo $visitorsCount ; ?></span> 


                <li style="    border: none;" class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"> 

                  Last Visit 

                  <span class="badge badge-primary badge-pill"> 

                    <?php echo $lastViewedDate;  ?></span> 






        <!-- Accordion card --> 


      <?php }else { ?> 

      <?php $attributes = array('class' => 'd-flex justify-content-left'); $hidden = array('bookID' => $bookDetails->bookID, 'bookPrice' => $bookDetails->bookPrice, 'bookTitle' => $bookDetails->bookTitle, 'redirectTo' => 'BookDetailsController/BookDetails/'.$bookDetails->bookID); 

            echo form_open('CartController/addBookToCart', $attributes, $hidden);  ?> 

      <!-- Default input --> 

      <input type="number" value="1" min="1" aria-label="Search" name="qty" class="form-control" style="width: 100px"> 

      <button class="btn btn-primary btn-md my-0 p" type="submit">Add to cart 

        <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart ml-1"></i> 


      <?php echo form_close() ?> 

      <?php } ?> 




  <!--Grid column--> 


<!--Grid row--> 


<!--Grid row--> 

<div class="row d-flex justify-content-center wow fadeIn"> 

  <?php if($recomendBook){ ?> 

  <!--Grid column--> 

  <div class="col-md-6 text-center"> 

    <h4 class="my-4 h4">Readers Who Viewed This Book Also Viewed</h4> 



  <!--Grid column--> 

  <?php }?> 


<!--Grid row--> 

<!--Grid row--> 

<div style="justify-content: center;" class="row wow fadeIn"> 

  <?php $i = 0; foreach($recomendBook as $recomendation) { ?> 

  <?php if(!($recomendation->bookID === $currentBook) && $i<5){ $i++; ?> 

  <!--Grid column--> 

  <div class="col-lg-2 col-md-4 mb-2"> 


    <div style="    min-height: 422px;" class="card wow fadeIn"> 

      <!--Card image--> 

      <div style="padding:5px" class="view overlay"> 

        <img style="min-width:160px ; min-height: 250px;" src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>application/libraries/img/bookcovers/<?php echo $recomendation->bookID; ?>.jpg" 

          class="card-img-top" alt=""> 

        <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>BookDetailsController/BookDetails/<?php echo $recomendation->bookID; ?>"> 

          <div class="mask rgba-white-slight"></div> 



      <!--Card image--> 

      <!--Card content--> 

      <div style="padding: 10px!important;" class="card-body text-center"> 

        <!--Category & Title--> 



            <a style="overflow: hidden; 

                display: -webkit-box; 

                -webkit-line-clamp: 2; 

                -webkit-box-orient: vertical;" 

              href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>BookDetailsController/BookDetails/<?php echo $recomendation->bookID; ?>" 


              <?php echo $recomendation->bookTitle; ?> 

              <span class="badge badge-pill danger-color">NEW</span> 





        <ul style="color: #ffa000; list-style-type: none; padding: 0;" class="rating"> 

          <!-- foreach($categoryBooks as $recomendation) {  --> 

          <?php $x = 1; while($x <= $recomendation->rating) { ?> 

          <li style="display: inline-block;"> 

            <i class="fa fa-star"></i> 


          <?php $x++; } ?> 

          <?php $x = 1; while($x <= 5 - $recomendation->rating) { ?> 

          <li style="display: inline-block;"> 

            <i class="fa fa-star-o"></i> 


          <?php $x++; } ?> 



        <!-- Card footer --> 

        <div style="background-color: transparent;    display: flex;" class="card-footer px-1"> 

          <span class="float-left font-weight-bold"> 


              <?php echo $recomendation->bookPrice; ?>$</strong> 


          <?php if (isset($this->session->userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this->session->userdata['isAdmin'])) { ?> 

          <?php }else{ ?> 

          <?php $hidden = array('bookID' => $recomendation->bookID, 'bookPrice' => $recomendation->bookPrice, 'bookTitle' => $recomendation->bookTitle, 'redirectTo' => 'CategoryBookController/categoryBooks/'.$recomendation->categoryID); 

            echo form_open('CartController/addBookToCart', '', $hidden);  ?> 

          <span style="display:flex" class="float-right"> 

            <input type="number" min="1" value="1" aria-label="Search" name="qty" class="form-control" style="width: 45px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 8px; height: 25px; margin-left: 15px;"> 

            <button style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none!important; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent; cursor: pointer;" 

              type="submit"><i sttyle="font-size: 17px;" class="fa fa-shopping-cart grey-text ml-3"></i></button> 


          <?php echo form_close() ?> 

          <?php } ?> 



      <!--Card content--> 




  <!--Grid column--> 

  <?php  } ?> 

  <?php  } ?> 


<!--Grid row--> 


This view display items that added to the cart by users and allow to edit the cart items

<section class="section my-5 pb-5"> 

  <!-- Shopping Cart table --> 

  <?php if($this->cart->contents()){ ?> 

  <div class="table-responsive"> 

    <table class="table product-table"> 

      <!-- Table head --> 




          <th class="font-weight-bold"> 




          <th class="font-weight-bold"> 



          <th class="font-weight-bold"> 



          <th class="font-weight-bold"> 






      <!-- /.Table head --> 

      <!-- Table body --> 


        <!-- item loop --> 

        <?php $i = 1; ?> 

        <?php foreach($this->cart->contents() as $book) { ?> 

        <?php echo form_hidden($i.'[rowid]', $book['rowid']); ?> 


          <th scope="row"> 

            <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>application/libraries/img/bookcovers/<?php echo $book['id']; ?>.jpg" 

              alt="" class="img-fluid z-depth-0"> 



            <h5 class="mt-3"> 


                <?php echo $book['name']; ?></strong> 


            <p class="text-muted">show category</p> 




            <?php echo $this->cart->format_number($book['price']); ?> 


          <td class="text-center text-md-left"> 

            <span class="qty"> 

              <?php echo $book['qty']; ?> </span> 

            <div class="btn-group ml-2"> 

              <button onclick="window.location='<?php echo base_url() ?>CartController/updateQty/decrement/<?php echo $book['rowid']; ?>'" 

                class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded waves-effect waves-light">—</button> 

              <button onclick="window.location='<?php echo base_url() ?>CartController/updateQty/increment/<?php echo $book['rowid']; ?>'" 

                class="btn btn-sm btn-primary btn-rounded waves-effect waves-light">+</button> 



          <td class="font-weight-bold"> 


              <?php echo $this->cart->format_number($book['subtotal']); ?></strong> 



            <button onclick="window.location='<?php echo base_url() ?>CartController/updateQty/remove/<?php echo $book['rowid']; ?>'" 

              type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary waves-effect waves-light" data-toggle="tooltip" 

              data-placement="top" title="" data-original-title="Remove item">X 




        <?php } ?> 

        <!-- /.item loop --> 

        <!-- Fourth row --> 


          <td colspan="3"></td> 


            <h4 class="mt-2"> 




          <td class="text-right"> 

            <h4 class="mt-2"> 


                <?php echo $this->cart->format_number($this->cart->total()); ?></strong> 



          <td colspan="3" class="text-right"> 

            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-rounded waves-effect waves-light">Complete purchase 

              <i class="fa fa-angle-right right"></i> 




        <!-- Fourth row --> 


      <!-- /.Table body --> 



  <!-- Shopping Cart table --> 

  <?php }else{ ?> 

  <h3 style="text-align:center" class="h3-responsive font-weight-bold my-5">--------cart is empty,-------</h3> 

  <?php }?> 



This view display books under particular category with pagination , this view also allow to add to cart functionalities

<?php echo $category->categoryName ;?> Genre</h2> 

<?php echo $category->categoryDescription ;?> 

<div class="container"> 

  <!--Section: Products v.3--> 

  <section class="text-center mb-4"> 

    <!--Grid row--> 

    <div class="row wow fadeIn"> 

      <?php  if($categoryBooks){ ?> 

      <?php foreach($categoryBooks as $book) { ?> 

      <!--Grid column--> 

      <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mb-4"> 


        <div class="card wow fadeIn"> 

          <!--Card image--> 

          <div style="padding:5px" class="view overlay"> 

            <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>application/libraries/img/bookcovers/<?php echo $book->bookID; ?>.jpg" 

              class="card-img-top" alt=""> 

            <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>BookDetailsController/BookDetails/<?php echo $book->bookID; ?>"> 

              <div class="mask rgba-white-slight"></div> 



          <!--Card image--> 

          <!--Card content--> 

          <div class="card-body text-center"> 

            <!--Category & Title--> 

            <!-- <a href="" class="grey-text"> 

              <h5><?php echo $book->categoryName; ?></h5> 

            </a> --> 



                <a style="overflow: hidden; 

                display: -webkit-box; 

                -webkit-line-clamp: 2; 

                -webkit-box-orient: vertical;" 

                  href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>BookDetailsController/BookDetails/<?php echo $book->bookID; ?>" 


                  <?php echo $book->bookTitle; ?> 

                  <span class="badge badge-pill danger-color">NEW</span> 




            <!-- <h4 class="font-weight-bold blue-text"> 

              <strong><?php echo $book->bookPrice; ?>$</strong> 

            </h4> --> 


            <ul style="color: #ffa000; list-style-type: none; padding: 0;" class="rating"> 

              <!-- foreach($categoryBooks as $book) {  --> 

              <?php $x = 1; while($x <= $book->rating) { ?> 

              <li style="display: inline-block;"> 

                <i class="fa fa-star"></i> 


              <?php $x++; } ?> 

              <?php $x = 1; while($x <= 5 - $book->rating) { ?> 

              <li style="display: inline-block;"> 

                <i class="fa fa-star-o"></i> 


              <?php $x++; } ?> 



            <!-- Card footer --> 

            <div style="background-color: transparent;" class="card-footer px-1"> 

              <span class="float-left font-weight-bold"> 


                  <?php echo $book->bookPrice; ?>$</strong> 


              <?php if (isset($this->session->userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this->session->userdata['isAdmin'])) { ?> 

              <?php }else{ ?> 

              <?php $hidden = array('bookID' => $book->bookID, 'bookPrice' => $book->bookPrice, 'bookTitle' => $book->bookTitle, 'redirectTo' => 'CategoryBookController/categoryBooks/'.$book->categoryID); 

            echo form_open('CartController/addBookToCart', '', $hidden);  ?> 

              <span style="display:flex" class="float-right"> 

                <input type="number" min="1" value="1" aria-label="Search" name="qty" class="form-control" style="width: 45px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 8px; height: 25px; margin-left: 15px;"> 

                <button style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none!important; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent; cursor: pointer;" 

                  type="submit"><i sttyle="font-size: 17px;" class="fa fa-shopping-cart grey-text ml-3"></i></button> 


              <?php echo form_close() ?> 

              <?php } ?> 



          <!--Card content--> 




      <!--Grid column--> 

      <?php } ?> 

      <?php }else{ ?> 

      <p class="grey-text w-responsive mx-auto mb-5">-------sorry!, no books under this genre------</p> 

      <?php } ?> 


    <!--Grid row--> 


  <!--Section: Products v.3--> 


  <nav class="d-flex justify-content-center wow fadeIn"> 

    <ul class="pagination pg-blue"> 

      <?php echo $links; ?> 






This view allow user to browse books under categories

<style> .view { position: relative; overflow: hidden; cursor: default; } .view img, .view video { position: relative; display: block; } .row { display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-wrap: wrap; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-right: -15px; margin-left: -15px; } .card { position: relative; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; -ms-flex-direction: column; flex-direction: column; min-width: 0; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: #fff; background-clip: border-box; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .125); border-radius: .25rem; } .collection-card .stripe.dark { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7); } .collection-card .stripe.light { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .7); } .collection-card .stripe { position: absolute; bottom: 3rem; width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 1.2rem; } .collection-card .stripe.dark a p { color: #eee; } .collection-card .stripe.light a p { color: #424242; } .collection-card .stripe a p { padding: 0; margin: 0; letter-spacing: .25rem; } </style>
<div class="container"> 

  <!--Section: category--> 

  <section style="padding: 0px 30px 0px 30px;" class="text-center mb-4"> 

    <!--Grid row--> 

    <div class="row wow fadeIn"> 

      <?php $count = 0; foreach($allCategory as $Category) { ?> 

      <!--Grid column--> 

      <div style='margin-top:30px' class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mb-lg-0 mb-4"> 

        <!-- Collection card --> 

        <div class="card collection-card z-depth-1-half card wow fadeIn"> 

          <!-- Card image --> 

          <div class="view zoom"> 

            <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>application/libraries/img/category/<?php echo $Category->categoryName; ?>.jpg" 

              class="img-fluid" alt=""> 

            <?php echo '<div class="' . (++$count%2 ? "stripe dark" : "stripe light") . '">' ?> 

            <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>CategoryBookController/categoryBooks/<?php echo $Category->categoryID; ?>"> 


                <?php echo $Category->categoryName; ?> 

                <i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i> 





        <!-- Card image --> 


      <!-- Collection card --> 


    <!--Grid column--> 

    <?php } ?> 


<!--Grid row--> 


<!--Section: category --> 



This view allow admin to logged in to the web site this conatain the login page

<div style='min-height: calc(100vh - 5.6vh);justify-content: center;' class="row"> 

    <div style="    padding-top: 12%; 

padding-bottom: 8%;" class="col-lg-8 col-md-10"> 

        <!--Form without header--> 

        <div style="padding: 90px 20% 90px 20%" class="card"> 

            <div class="card-block"> 


                <div class="text-center"> 

                    <h3><i class="fa fa-lock"></i> &nbsp; Admin Login:</h3> 

                    <hr class="mt-2 mb-2"> 



                <?php $attributes = array('style' => 'padding-top:100px');  ?> 

                <?php echo validation_errors(); ?> 

                <?php echo form_open('LoginController/adminLogin') ?> 

                <?php echo "<div style='text-align: center; color: red;' class='error_msg'>"; 

    if (isset($error_message)) {echo $error_message; 

    }echo "</div>";?> 

                <div class="md-form"> 

                    <i class="fa fa-envelope prefix"></i> 

                    <input type="text" name="username" id="form2" class="form-control"> 

                    <label for="form2">Admin email</label> 


                <div class="md-form"> 

                    <i class="fa fa-lock prefix"></i> 

                    <input type="password" name="password" id="form4" class="form-control"> 

                    <label for="form4">Admin password</label> 


                <div class="text-center"> 

                    <button type="submit" style="background:#20c997" class="btn btn-deep">Login</button> 


                <?php echo form_close() ?> 



        <!--/Form without header--> 




This view display search result regarding the keyword user enter. And allow add to card and view book details

<?php if($searchResult) { ?> 

<h4 class="h5-responsive  my-5">Showing results for *<b> 

    <?php echo $searchKeyword;?></b>*</h4> 

<?php } else { ?> 

<h4 class="h5-responsive  my-5"> No results for *<b> 

    <?php echo $searchKeyword;?></b>*</h4> 

<?php } ?> 
<div class="container"> 

  <!--Section: Products v.3--> 

  <section class="text-center mb-4"> 

    <!--Grid row--> 

    <div class="row wow fadeIn"> 

      <?php foreach($searchResult as $book) { ?> 

      <!--Grid column--> 

      <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-6 mb-4"> 


        <div class="card wow fadeIn"> 

          <!--Card image--> 

          <div style="padding:5px" class="view overlay"> 

            <img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>application/libraries/img/bookcovers/<?php echo $book->bookID; ?>.jpg" 

              class="card-img-top" alt=""> 

            <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>BookDetailsController/BookDetails/<?php echo $book->bookID; ?>"> 

              <div class="mask rgba-white-slight"></div> 



          <!--Card image--> 

          <!--Card content--> 

          <div class="card-body text-center"> 

            <!--Category & Title--> 

            <!-- <a href="" class="grey-text"> 

              <h5><?php echo $book->categoryName; ?></h5> 

            </a> --> 



                <a style="overflow: hidden; 

                display: -webkit-box; 

                -webkit-line-clamp: 2; 

                -webkit-box-orient: vertical;" 

                  href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>BookDetailsController/BookDetails/<?php echo $book->bookID; ?>" 


                  <?php echo $book->bookTitle; ?> 

                  <span class="badge badge-pill danger-color">NEW</span> 





            <ul style="color: #ffa000; list-style-type: none; padding: 0;" class="rating"> 

              <!-- foreach($categoryBooks as $book) {  --> 

              <?php $x = 1; while($x <= $book->rating) { ?> 

              <li style="display: inline-block;"> 

                <i class="fa fa-star"></i> 


              <?php $x++; } ?> 

              <?php $x = 1; while($x <= 5 - $book->rating) { ?> 

              <li style="display: inline-block;"> 

                <i class="fa fa-star-o"></i> 


              <?php $x++; } ?> 



            <!-- Card footer --> 

            <div style="background-color: transparent;" class="card-footer px-1"> 

              <span class="float-left font-weight-bold"> 


                  <?php echo $book->bookPrice; ?>$</strong> 


              <?php if (isset($this->session->userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this->session->userdata['isAdmin'])) { ?> 

              <?php }else{ ?> 

              <?php $hidden = array('bookID' => $book->bookID, 'bookPrice' => $book->bookPrice, 'bookTitle' => $book->bookTitle, 'redirectTo' => 'CategoryBookController/categoryBooks/'.$book->categoryID); 

            echo form_open('CartController/addBookToCart', '', $hidden);  ?> 

              <span style="display:flex" class="float-right"> 

                <input type="number" min="1" value="1" aria-label="Search" name="qty" class="form-control" style="width: 45px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 8px; height: 25px; margin-left: 15px;"> 

                <button style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background: none!important; box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent; border: 0px solid transparent; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px transparent; cursor: pointer;" 

                  type="submit"><i sttyle="font-size: 17px;" class="fa fa-shopping-cart grey-text ml-3"></i></button> 


              <?php echo form_close() ?> 

              <?php }?> 



          <!--Card content--> 




      <!--Grid column--> 

      <?php } ?> 


    <!--Grid row--> 


  <!--Section: Products v.3--> 


  <nav class="d-flex justify-content-center wow fadeIn"> 

    <ul class="pagination pg-blue"> 

      <!-- <?php echo $links; ?> --> 






This view contain the footer of the web page and load the necessary scripts web site needs

© 2018 Copyright:
<a href="#"> Pavit Buddhhima</a> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="application/libraries/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="application/libraries/js/popper.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="application/libraries/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="application/libraries/js/mdb.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Animations initialization new WOW().init(); </script>


This view load the necessary css files and navigation bar of the web page

<title>Material Design Bootstrap</title> <style type="text/css"> html, body, header, .carousel { height: 60vh; } @media (max-width: 740px) { html, body, header, .carousel { height: 100vh; } } @media (min-width: 800px) and (max-width: 850px) { html, body, header, .carousel { height: 100vh; } } </style>
<div class="container"> 

  <!-- store name --> 

  <a class="navbar-brand waves-effect" href="#"> 

    <strong class="blue-text">Book Storm</strong> 


  <!-- Collapse --> 

  <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarSupportedContent" 

    aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation"> 

    <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span> 


  <!-- Links --> 

  <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent"> 

    <!-- Left --> 

    <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto"> 

      <li class="nav-item active"> 

        <a class="nav-link waves-effect" href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>HomeController">Home 

          <!-- <span class="sr-only">(current)</span> --> 



      <?php if (isset($this->session->userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this->session->userdata['isAdmin'])) { 


          // <?php if (isset($this->session->userdata['isAdmin'])) { 

// $firstname = ($this->session->userdata['adminData']['firstname']);

// $lastname = ($this->session->userdata['adminData']['lastname']); ?>

      <li class="nav-item"> 

        <a class="nav-link waves-effect" href="<?php echo base_url();?>LoginController/logOut">Admin Dashboard</a> 


      <?php  }else{  ?> 

      <!-- <li class="nav-item"> 

 <a class="nav-link waves-effect" href="#" >all categories</a> 

      </li> --> 

      <?php } ?> 

      <li class="nav-item"> 

        <a class="nav-link waves-effect" href="#">All Books</a> 


      <li class="nav-item"> 

        <a class="nav-link waves-effect" href="#">About Us</a> 



    <!-- Right --> 

    <ul class="navbar-nav nav-flex-icons"> 

      <?php if (isset($this->session->userdata['isAdmin']) && ($this->session->userdata['isAdmin'])) { 

    // $firstname = ($this->session->userdata['adminData']['firstname']); 

    // $lastname = ($this->session->userdata['adminData']['lastname']); ?> 

      <li class="nav-item"> 

        <!-- Collapsible content --> 

        <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent"> 

          <!-- Search form --> 

          <?php $attributes = array('class' => 'form-inline mr-auto'); 

echo form_open('HomeController/search', $attributes); ?> 

          <form class="form-inline mr-auto"> 

            <div class="md-form my-0"> 

              <i class="fa fa-search ml-3" aria-hidden="true"></i> 

              <input class="form-control" type="text" name="search" placeholder="Search Book/Author" aria-label="Search"> 




        <!-- Collapsible content --> 


      <li style="padding-top:9px" class="nav-item"> 


          <?php echo $this->session->userdata['adminData']['firstname']; ?></a> 


      <li class="nav-item"> 

        <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>LoginController/logOut" class="nav-link waves-effect"> 

          <i class="fa fa-sign-out" aria-hidden="true"></i> 



      <!-- <li class="nav-item"> 

 <a class="nav-link waves-effect" href="<?php echo base_url();?>LoginController/logOut"><?php echo $this->session->userdata['isAdmin']; ?></a> 

      </li> --> 

      <?php  }else{ ?> 

      <li class="nav-item"> 

        <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>CartController/viewCart" class="nav-link waves-effect"> 

          <span class="badge red z-depth-1 mr-1"> 

            <?php echo $this->cart->total_items(); ?></span> 

          <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> 

          <span class="clearfix d-none d-sm-inline-block"> Cart </span> 



      <?php } ?> 

      <!-- <li class="nav-item"> 

        <a href="https://github.com/mdbootstrap/bootstrap-material-design" class="nav-link border border-light rounded waves-effect" 


          <i class="fa fa-github mr-2"></i>MDB GitHub 


      </li> --> 




Appendix – C (Models)


This model represent the database table ‘admin’ this contain handle administrator details with database

db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('admin'); $this -> db -> where('username', $username); $this -> db -> limit(1); $query = $this -> db -> get(); if ($query -> num_rows() == 1) { return $query -> result(); } else { return false; } } public function authAdmin($data) { $condition = "username =". "'".$data['username']. "' AND ". "password =". "'".$data['password']. "'"; $this -> db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('admin'); $this -> db -> where($condition); $this -> db -> limit(1); $query = $this -> db -> get(); if ($query -> num_rows() == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } } ?>


This model manipulate book data related activities with database and this represent ‘book’ table in database

db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('books'); $this -> db -> join('category', 'category.categoryID = books.categoryID'); $query = $this -> db -> get(); return $query; } public function booksPerCategory($categoryID) { $this -> db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('book'); $this -> db -> where('book.categoryID', $categoryID); $query = $this -> db -> get(); return $query -> num_rows(); } public function fetchBooksByCategory($limit, $start, $categoryID) { $this -> db -> limit($limit, $start); $this -> db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('book'); $this -> db -> where('book.categoryID', $categoryID); $this -> db -> join('category', 'category.categoryID = book.categoryID'); $query = $this -> db -> get(); if ($query -> num_rows() > 0) { foreach($query -> result() as $row) { $data[] = $row; } return $data; } return false; } public function getBooksByCategory($categoryID) { $this -> db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('book'); $this -> db -> where('book.categoryID', $categoryID); $this -> db -> join('category', 'category.categoryID = book.categoryID'); $query = $this -> db -> get(); return $query; } public function getBookByID($bookID) { $this -> db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('book'); $this -> db -> where('bookID', $bookID); $this -> db -> join('category', 'category.categoryID = book.categoryID'); $query = $this -> db -> get(); return $query -> row(); } public function insertNewBook($bookTitle, $bookDescription, $bookCoverPath, $bookPrice, $bookAuthor, $bookCategory) { $data = array( 'bookTitle' => $bookTitle, 'bookDescription' => $bookDescription, 'bookPrice' => $bookPrice, 'bookCover' => $bookCoverPath, 'author' => $bookAuthor, 'categoryID' => $bookCategory); $query = $this -> db -> insert('book', $data); } public function getSearchResult($searchKeyWord) { // $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM book WHERE (bookTitle LIKE '%$searchKeyWord%') OR (author LIKE '%$searchKeyWord%') "); $query = $this -> db -> query("SELECT * FROM `book` WHERE bookTitle like '%$searchKeyWord%' OR author LIKE '%$searchKeyWord%' "); return $query -> result(); } } ?>


This model represent the category table in the database and also manipulate category related functionalities

db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('category'); $query = $this -> db -> get(); return $query; } public function insertNewCategory($categoryName, $categoryDescription, $bookCoverPath) { $data = array( 'categoryName' => $categoryName, 'categoryDescription' => $categoryDescription, 'categoryCover' => $bookCoverPath); $query = $this -> db -> insert('category', $data); } public function getCategoryByID($categoryID) { $this -> db -> select('*'); $this -> db -> from('category'); $this -> db -> where('categoryID', $categoryID); $query = $this -> db -> get(); return $query -> row(); } } ?>


This manipulate data using visit table in the data base regarding user tracking functionalities

$userID, 'sessionID' => $sessionID, 'bookID' => $bookID, 'timestamp' => $timestamp ); $this -> db -> insert('visit', $data); } public function getRecomendations($bookID) { $query = $this -> db -> query('SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS visits FROM visit INNER JOIN book ON visit.bookID = book.bookID WHERE userID IN (SELECT userID FROM visit WHERE bookID = '.$bookID.') GROUP BY visit.bookID ORDER BY visits DESC LIMIT 6;'); return $query -> result(); } //retrieve book viewed count by book id public function getBookViewCount($bookID) { $query = $this -> db -> query("SELECT * FROM visit WHERE bookID=".$bookID); return $query -> num_rows(); } //retrieve user count by book id public function getBookViewUserCount($bookID) { $query = $this -> db -> query("SELECT bookID, userID FROM visit WHERE bookID = ".$bookID." GROUP BY userID"); return $query -> num_rows(); } //retrieve last viewed book details by book id public function getBookLastView($bookID) { $query = $this -> db -> query("SELECT timestamp FROM visit WHERE bookID=$bookID ORDER BY visitID DESC LIMIT 1"); return $query -> row(); } } ?>