Restore necessary NuGet packages
Deploy RssManager.Database project on any SQL Server instance
Modify "connectionStrings" section in Web.config of RssManager.WebAPI project
Modify Scripts/app/module-common.js (getApiBaseUrl() function) if deploy RssManager.WebAPI
Set multiple startup projects in solution properties:
5.1. RssManager.WebAPI: Start
5.2. RssManager.WebApp: Start without debugging
Check your firewall settings if needed
Start solution
Token based authentication/authorization implemented in the project. Create new account using 'Sign Up' function before first login. Default iterval to update RSS channels is equal to 5 minutes and can be changed in Web.config of RssManager.WebAPI project. Notification on RSS channels have new updates is implemented based on SignalR.
ASP.NET WebAPI, OWIN, Ninject, ADO.NET, SignalR, AngularJS