
A library to take picture easy, transform your data in different format and save photos in your device

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

alt tag

A Magic library to take photos and select pictures in Android. In a simple way and if you need it also save the pictures in device.
Android Arsenal

Codacy Badge


  • It requires 14+ API.

Getting Started

Download Sources

use git (sourcetree or others)

git clone https://github.com/fabian7593/MagicalCamera.git

Download from Here

Another type download by Bintray from Download

### What you need? You need for usage the library in the best way, call any permissions in Android Manifest.xml ```bash ```
### How to use #####Add dependecies If you need to take photo or select picture, this is your solution. This library give a magical solution for take a picture, you only need to download this and integrate this in your project, maybe downloading it or import in your gradle, like this.
repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'com.frosquivel:magicalcamera:1.0'

If you have any problem with this dependence, because the library override any styles or others, please change the last line for this code:

 compile('com.frosquivel:magicalcamera:1.0@aar') {
        transitive = false;

#####Import library You need to import the library ```bash import com.frosquivel.magicalcamera.MagicalCamera; ```
#####Declare variable to resize photo ( with pixels percentage ) You need to declare and constant or a simple int variable for the quality of the photo, while greater be, greater be the quality, and otherwise, worst be the quality, like this ```bash //a regular quality, if you declare with 50 is a worst quality and if you declare with 4000 is the better quality //only need to play with this variable (0 to 4000 ... or in other words, worst to better :D)


#####Instance Class MagicalCamera
You need to instance the MagicalCamera Class, like this:
The fisrt param is the current Activity, and the second the resize percentage photo
 MagicalCamera magicalCamera = new MagicalCamera(this,RESIZE_PHOTO_PIXELS_PERCENTAGE);

#####Activities Methods You need to call the methods for take or select pictures in activities that this form:
//take photo

//select picture

#####Fragments Methods You need to call the methods for take or select pictures in fragments that this form:
//take photo
 //select picture
      startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(magicalCamera.getIntentFragment(),  "My Header Example"),

#####Remeber override the event onActivityResult You need to override the method onActivityResult in your activity or fragment like this ```bash @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); //call this method ever magicalCamera.resultPhoto(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    //with this form you obtain the bitmap

   //if you need save your bitmap in device use this method
   if(magicalCamera.savePhotoInMemoryDevice(magicalCamera.getMyPhoto(),"myPhotoName","myDirectoryName", MagicalCamera.JPEG, true)){
       Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "The photo is save in device, please check this", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
       Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Sorry your photo dont write in devide, please contact with fabian7593@gmail and say this error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

#####The savePhotoInMemoryDevice Method
This method save your bitmap in internal memory device or if the internal memory is full this library save in sdcard (if you have anything :'D)
This method have a lot of params that you can need to use the library:
* **Bitmap:** This is the bitmap that you need to save in memory device.
* **PhotoName:** The name of the photo
* **DirectoryName:** The name of directory that you need to save the image
* **Format:** the format of the photo, maybe png, jpeg or webp. Depends of that you need.
* **AutoIncrementNameByDate:** This variable save the photo with the photo name and the current date and hour. (Only if is true).

For example: myTestMagicalCameraPhoto_20160520131344 -> This is the year 2016, month 5, day 20, hour 13, minute 13 and second 44.

The method:
 public boolean savePhotoInMemoryDevice(Bitmap bitmap, String photoName, String directoryName,
 Bitmap.CompressFormat format, boolean autoIncrementNameByDate)

#####Types of Formats for save photos You have any type of formats for save the pictures and the bitmaps. You can use, the static variables of the library MagicalCamera. ```bash Bitmap.CompressFormat jpeg = MagicalCamera.JPEG; Bitmap.CompressFormat png = MagicalCamera.PNG; Bitmap.CompressFormat webp = MagicalCamera.WEBP; ```
#####Resize photo in real time You can resize the photo in any moment with this: ```bash magicalCamera.setResizePhoto(newResizeInteger); ```
#####Conversion Methods The library have any methods to convert the bitmap in other formats that you need. All of this methods are public statics, I mean that you dont have to instance the library for usage this. * **bitmapToBytes:** Convert the bitmap to array bytes, only need the bitmap param and the compress format, return array bytes. * **bytesToBitmap:** Convert the array bytes to bitmap, only need the array bytes in param, return bitmap. * **bytesToStringBase64:** Convert the array bytes to String base 64, only need the array bytes format in param, return String. * **stringBase64ToBytes:** Convert string to array bytes, only need the String in param, return array bytes.

##Internal documentation All the code has a internal documentation for more explanation of this example.

##Preview of Example alt tag

##You can see the video explication here (in spanish) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-JxaFZDSn4


Source code can be found on github
Licenced under APACHE 2.0.

About Developer

Developed by Fabian Rosales
Known as Frosquivel Developer
Web Page www.frosquivel.com
Blog (Spanish) www.frosquivel.com/blog