😎 List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!
To add a resource or contribute, please check out our contribution guide here.
- Algorithms
- Android
- Angular
- Blockchain
- Bots
- C
- C++
- Computer Science
- CSharp
- Dart
- Data Science
- Deep Learning
- DevOps
- Django
- Docker
- Express
- Ethical Hacking
- Expo
- Fundamental CP algorithms
- Flutter
- GitHub
- Go
- GraphQL
- Ionic
- Java
- Javascript
- Laravel
- Linux
- Machine Learning
- Magento
- NodeJS
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- React
- React Native
- Ruby
- Rust
- Sass
- Spring
- Svelte
- Swift
- System Design
- Terraform
- Testing
- Typescript
- Unity
- Vue
- Web Accessibility
- Webpack
- Others
- Vogella Tutorials
- Android Basics with Kotlin Course
- Build your first app
- Official Documentation
- Android™ Notes for Professionals book
- Android Developer Roadmap
- Android cheat sheet
- Android Tips & Tricks
- Awesome Android
- Egghead.io - Angular
- Egghead.io - Build Redux Style Applications with Angular2, RxJS, and ngrx/store
- HiRez.io - Angular Basics
- HiRez.io - Angular In Depth - Components
- udemy - Introduction to Angular 2
- udemy - Angular 2 with TypeScript for Beginners: The Pragmatic Guide
- udemy - The Complete Guide to Angular 2
- Pluralsight - Angular 2: First Look
- Pluralsight - Angular 2: Getting Started
- Angular Material - Material Design components for Angular
- Angular Powered Bootstrap - Bootstrap widgets for Angular
- freeCodeCamp.org - Learn Angular - Full Tutorial Course
- Simple Twitter Bot Tutorial with Node.js
- Create a Simple WhatsApp Chatbot without Coding
- Build Your First Wit App
- How to Make a Twitter Bot in Python With Tweepy
- Discord.JS v13 - Make your own Discord bots by following this video series
- CP Algorithms
- List of specified topics
- How to Learn the C++ Languages: The Ultimate List
- The C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
- C++ Series GeeksForGeeks
- LearnCPP
- C++ Tutorial
- C++ API Reference
- Awesome Awesomeness
- CS50
- Khan Academy
- Open Source Society University - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- Teach Yourself Computer Science
- Agda usage
- Freely available programming books
- Programming Language Foundation in Agda
- Type Theory playlist
- 30SecondsOfCode CSS Snippet
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- CSS Framework - Bootstrap
- CSS Framework - Bulma
- CSS Framework - Materialize
- CSS Framework - Tailwind CSS
- CSS Flexbox - Wes Bos
- CSS Grid - Wes Bos
- CSS Grid - Leonidas Esteban
- CSS Box-Shadow Generator
- CSS Gradient Generator
- CSS Animated Gradient Background Generator
- CSS Grid - A simple visual cheatsheet by Malven
- CSS Flex - A simple visual cheatsheet by Malven
- CSSBattle
- Learning Advanced CSS and HTML
- Style Stage - A modern CSS showcase styled by community contributions
- Tailwind CSS Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course
- Introduction to CSS
- 5 books every C# developer should read
- C# From a Java Developer's Perspective
- C# Microsoft Docs
- The C# Yellow Book
- Asynchronous programming: futures, async, await
- Books about Dart
- Dart Cheatsheet
- DartPad in tutorials: best practices
- Dart videos from Google
- Dart Tutorial for Beginners: Basics and Fundamentals for Flutter
- Intro to Dart for Java Developers
- Iterable collections
- DPhi-Data Science Courses
- Data Science Methodology
- Data Science Cheat Sheets
- IBM Data Science Coursera
- Introduction to Data Science with R
- Machine Learning Algorithms from Scratch
- Python for Data Science: Fundamentals
- Python for Data Science: Intermediate
- Andrew Ng's Deep Learning Specializations Course
- Convolutional networks CS231n
- Deep Learning Fundamentals
- Deep learning cheat sheet
- Google AI Blog
- Natural Language Processing CS224n
- Azure DevOps
- Agile vs Devops
- Become a DevOps Engineer - Linkedin Learning
- Dev Op Terms
- DevOps for Dummies - by IBM
- DevOps Roadmap for beginners
- How To Become a DevOps Engineer In Six Months or Less
- Docker Overview & Basics
- Docker for beginners
- Docker Curriculum Ebook
- Docker Labs environment
- Docker labs
- LinkedIn Login using Node JS, Express and passport
- Web Development with Node and Express
- Express Web Application Developement
- Curated ExpressJS Courses - a list of community curated resources
- ExpressJS Courses at Classpert - a list of courses (free and paid) from Classpert Online Course Search
- Security Practices in Express App
- List of helpful algos
- Stanford University Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1
- Stanford University Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2
- Sorting Algorithms - mycodeschool
- Collection of hackers, pentesters & security researchers
- Ethical Hacking from Scratch
- Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform
- Penetration Testing Bootcamp
- Practical-Ethical-Hacking-Resources
- Binary Exponentiation
- Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor
- Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Linear Diophantine Equations
- DSA + Java Interview Preparation Course
- DSA + C++ Interview Preparation Course
- Data Structures
- Minimum Stack / Minimum Queue
- Princeton University Algorithms, Part 1
- Princeton University Algorithms, Part 2
- Sparse Table
- This is CS50x - David J. Malan
- IIT Bombay Foundation of Data Structures (CS213.1x)
- Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms - Brynn Claypoole, Horatio Thomas
- Divide and Conquer DP
- Dynamic Programming on Broken Profile. Problem "Parquet"
- Dynamic Programming GeeksforGeeks
- Finding the largest zero submatrix
- Aho-Corasick algorithm
- Prefix function - Knuth-Morris-Pratt
- Rabin-Karp for String Matching
- String Hashing
- Suffix Array
- Z-function
- Introduction to Graph Theory
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Shortest Path (Dijkstra's Algorithm)
- Shortest Path with Negative Weights (Bellman Ford Algorithm)
- Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's Algorithm)
- Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal's Algorithm)
- Max Flow (Ford-Fulkerson and Edmonds-Karp Algorithms)
- Striver's Graph Series
- Adding Google Maps to a Flutter app
- Animation in Flutter
- Building beautiful UIs with Flutter
- Building Beautiful Transitions with Material Motion for Flutter
- Building a Cupertino app with Flutter
- Build a Photo Sharing app with Google Photos and Flutter
- Firebase for Flutter
- Flutter Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube
- Flutter Animation Tutorial - YouTube
- Flutter & Firebase App Build - YouTube
- Flutter Documentation
- How to test a Flutter app
- Reactive Programming with Flutter
- Write your first Flutter app, Part 1
- Write your first Flutter app, Part 2
- Write a Flutter desktop application
- Pro Git Book
- Udacity's Git Commit Style Guide
- Learn Git Branching: A beautiful visual guide to learn simple and advanced Git.
- Git notes for Professionals Book
- Introduction to Git and Github ebook - Bobby Iliev(Markdown, PDF)
- Introduction to Git and Github - Launch School
- Git Immersion
- 30SecondsOfCode Git Snippets
- Git - the simple guide
- Oh My Git: Open source Git learning game.
- Git Exercises by Fracz
- A Visual Git Reference
- GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats
- Top GitHub best practices for developers
- Learning Git By Atlassian
- An Introduction to Git and GitHub by Brian Yu
- Git Documentaton
- Dangit, Git!?!
- Using multiple Git accounts with SSH keys
- How to Write a Git Commit Message
- How to create a pull request in GitHub
- Squash mutilple commits into one in GitHub
- GitHub Learning Lab
- Hands-on-experience-of-git-commands
- Step by Step Guide to Contributing on GitHub
- GitHub Protips: Tips, tricks, hacks, and secrets from Lee Reilly
- GitHub Minesweeper: hands-on introduction to working with Git and GitHub in a team
- Readme.so: Easiest way to make good readme for your github repos
- Complete Git and Github Tutorial
- A Tour of Go - A Complete Tour of the Go Programming Language.
- Go by Example
- Gophercises: Free Coding Exercises for Budding Gophers
- Learn Go with Tests
- 50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs
- HTML Cheat sheet by CodeWithHarry
- 5 HTML Tricks Nobody is Talking About
- HTML CheatSheet
- HTML documentation for beginners
- HTML tutorial for beginners
- Build your first HTML Project
- Introduction to HTML
- Angular to React for Ionic Developers
- Add a Firebase Database to your Ionic App
- Awesome Ionic - A curated list of awesome Ionic libraries, resources, and solutions from Ionic 1 to the latest version of the framework
- Building an Ionic JWT Refresh Token Flow
- Learn Java - Free Interactive Java Tutorial
- 10 Simple Java Projects for Beginners
- Advanced Java Programming
- Learn Servlet Tutorial
- Object Oriented Programming in Java
- Learn Java Programming Language Step by Step
- Java Full Course
- Java Programming - Test Automation University
- Java Programming - University of Helsinki
- Learn Java 8 - Full Tutorial for Beginners - freeCodeCamp
- Java Beginner Course - freeCodeCamp
- Java Tutorial for Beginners - Programming with Mosh
- Java + DSA + Interview Preparation Course
- Learn How JavaScripts works Behind the Scene by Akshay Saini
- CoderslangJS
- Beginner JavaScript Notes + Reference by Wes Bos
- Learn Modern JavaScript ES6 | ES7 | ES8
- Learn JavaScript through a game
- JavaScript ES2020 - The Features You Should Know
- S.O.L.I.D. Principles around You, in JavaScript
- The 30 days JavaScript Challenge
- JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts
- Full Stack Javascript course by The Odin Project
- Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript
- JavaScript for impatient programmers
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- 20 Killer JavaScript One Liners ☝️
- You Don't Know JS Yet (book series)
- 30SecondsOfCode JavaScript Snippets
- Full Stack open 2021
- Demystifying JavaScript Promises - A New Way to Learn
- Favorite JavaScript Utilities in single line of code! No more!
- JavaScript CheatSheet by DaveChild
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Free js.org Subdomain For Github Pages
- Eloquent JavaScript - A Modern Introduction to Programming
- JavaScript Garden
- JavaScript by Example - Level 1 by Hussein Nasser
- JavaScript by Example - Level 2 by Hussein Nasser
- Namaste JavaScript
- Official Documentation
- Video Tutorials for Laravel
- Serverless Deployment for Laravel
- Micro Laravel Framework for APIs
- Server Management for Laravel
- Creating "Laravel Checklister"
- Official Documentation
- Complete tutorial from Tutorialpoint
- Less CSS Tutorials for Beginners Playlist
- Introduction to Linux\
- Linux kernel and its insides
- Interactive map of Linux Kernel
- Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition
- Google's Machine Learning Crash Course
- Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Coursera Course
- Intro to Machine Learning
- Intermediate Machine Learning
- Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms
- Probability and Statistics
- freecodecamp's courses for machine learning
- A quick review of the linear algebra concepts relevant to machine learning.
- Calculus
- Statistical concepts for machine learning
- AWS Machine Learning Tools
- Introductory Primer
- Machine Learning Roadmap
- TinyML Course
- Machine Learning Introduction with Python
- Machine Learning Guide Podcast
- Fast Virtual Machine for Magento2
- Docker Configuration for Magento2
- Become Magento 2 Developer with Mage Mastery (online courses and workshops)
- MySQL Tutorial
- MySQL - The Basics // Learn SQL in 23 Easy Steps - Fireship
- MySQL Crash Course - Traversy Media
- MySQL Tutorial for Beginners - Programming with Mosh
- SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners - freeCodeCamp
- MySQL Database - Full Course - freeCodeCamp
- Introduction to nodejs
- Beginners guide to nodejs (step by step)
- Node JS Architecture
- Deploy Node App on AWS EC2
- 30SecondsOfCode Node JS Snippets
- The only NodeJs introduction you’ll ever need
- Introduction to Node.js
- Back End Development and APIs
- PHP: The Right Way
- PHP Front to Back
- PHP Apprentice: An Online Book For Learning PHP
- Learn PHP | SoloLearn
- 40+ Useful Php tips for beginners
- PHP Cheat Sheet
- Design Patterns
- SQL Cheat Sheet - ABZ-Aaron
- PostgreSQL Tutorial
- Learn PostgreSQL Tutorial - freeCodeCamp
- SQL Tutorial for Beginners - Ben Awad
- SQL Tutorials - Corey Schafer
- Automate The Boring Stuff With Python
- Python Intermediate Tutorial
- Python Tutorial
- Python for Everybody (14 hour course)
- Python Tips and Tricks for Beginners
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
- Python Tips and Tricks for Beginners
- Python Tutorials with online IDE
- Python 3 Basics Tutorial Series - YouTube
- Learning Python: From Zero To Hero
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- Complete Python Tutorial In Hindi - YouTube
- TheAlgorithms/Python: All Algorithms implemented in Python
- 30SecondsOfCode Python Snippets
- Selenium with Python Tutorial
- React Tutorial - W3Schools
- Egghead.io: Start Learning React
- React Official Tutorial
- Using React in Visual Studio Code
- Scrimba - Learn React for free interactively
- FreeCodeCamp React Challenges
- React Cheatsheet
- React Patterns
- Useful Packages you should know in React
- Learn React Test Driven Development
- ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners
- The React Beginner's Handbook
- React.js Clones by PAPA React
- Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization
- React Custom Hooks Tutorial
- 10 react hooks explained
- React Hooks
- React Native Tutorial
- Performance Limitations of React Native and How to Overcome Them
- VSCode setup for React Native
- Build E-Commerce App in React Native
- How to deploy react native apps
- Ruby from Tutorialspoint
- Full course by freeCodeCamp.org
- Full Stack Ruby and Ruby on Rails course by The Odin Project
- Full Stack Ruby Online course at App Academy Open - required login to access
- The Rust Programming Language book
- Rustlings - small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
- The Rust Lang Book video series by Let's Get Rusty
- Complete Documentation
- Zurb - Library to Create Transitions & Animations
- Vanilla Framework
- Susy - Grid Layout Engine
- Getting Started - Building an Application
- Spring Security Architecture
- Building a RESTful Web Service
- Introduction and basics of Svelte
- Getting started with Svelte | MDN
- Svelte for beginners - The Net Ninja
- Learn the Svelte JavaScript Framework: Full Course - Freecodecamp
- Swift Tutorial
- Build your very first iOS app
- Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners
- Documentation
- Swift UI quick start
- System Design Concepts
- System Design Primer Course
- System Design Interview Preparation Series by codeKarle
- Basics of System Design by Coding Simplified
- Terraform Study Guide
- HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate 2021 (Zeal Vora)
- Deep Dive - Terraform (Pluralsight)
- Terraform Course - Automate your AWS cloud infrastructure
- Terraform for DevOps Beginners + Labs: Complete Step by Step Guide!
- 250 Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification
- How to Start a Career in Testing?
- Testing React with Jest and Enzyme
- TestProject: Free Test Automation For All
- Apache JMeter
- API Testing 101: Learn The Basics
- TypeScript Documentation: Handbook
- Scrimba - Introduction to TypeScript
- Typescript - The Basics
- Typescript Basics - Course
- Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript
- TypeScript Course for Beginners 2021 - Learn TypeScript from Scratch!
- Vue JS 3 Tutorial for Beginners - Youtube Playlist of a Series of 12 Videos
- Using GitLab CI/CD to auto-deploy your Vue.js application to AWS S3
- Dockerizing a Vue App
- Deploying a Flask and Vue App to Heroku with Docker and Gitlab CI
- Large-scale Vuex application structures
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List
- Mozilla Accessibility Guide
- Google Developers Guide on Accessibility
- Accessibility Testing Tutorial | A Complete Step By Step Guide
- Markdown
- Emmet
- List of Badges, in Markdown
- Cheatsheet Collection
- Cheat Sheets
- Programming Cheat Sheets
- Python Cheatsheet
- Devhints - TL;DR for developer documentation
- Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
- Codehouse - Cheatsheet Collection
- CSS Cheat Sheet
- Freebie Supply
- unDraw: Free illustrations, updated regularly
- Feather Icons
- humaaans
- absurd
- Crello Free Templates
- 404 Illustration: Free illustrations for 404 pages
- Humaans: Mix-&-match illustrations of people with a design library
- UI Design Daily: Awesome UI Components of all types
- Freepik: Find Free Vectors, Stock Photos and PSD
- Geometric Shapes: Free Geometric Shapes to use in Figma and download
- 3D-Icons: Free 3D - Icons to download
- 533 Hand-Picked Tools & Resources for Web Designers & Developers
- Illlustrations: Awesome 120+ free illustrations
- ls.graphics: Free mockups for different type of products
- Unsplash: Free high quality stock images and videos
- Undesign: Collection of free design tools and resources for makers, developers and designers
- DopeUI: High quality website UI templates
- Coolors: The super fast color schemes generator
- uiGradients: An awesome gradient generator
- Glassmorphism Generator: Amazing tool to generate glassmorphism design.
- Canva
- Photopea: Free online editor supporting PSD, XCF, Sketch, XD and CDR formats.
- Lorem Ipsum Generators: Awesome collection of Lorem Ipsum Generators
- Font Awesome: Vector icons and social logos for your website
- SVG Backgrounds: Customize and apply backgrounds fast.
- Vecteezy: Download Free Vector Art, Stock Photos & Stock Videos.
- How to contribute to Open Source
- What open source projects should I contribute
- Why Open Source is Important for Students?
- How to run graphics.h in VS Code
- Top 5 VS Code extensions for web developers
- VS Code Tutorial for Beginners
- The Best VS Code Extensions to Supercharge Your Git
- Tiny helpers: A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers
- Coding Better World Together Live Session with Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin : Coding Better World Together is a set of master lessons from the famous Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin), where he gives us a broad vision of the importance and future of Software in today's society.
- Clean Code with Uncle Bob Martin: When folks code long enough, in time they get themselves stuck in a code base that's kind of difficult to wrap thier heads around. In this podcast Uncle Bob Martin talks about the principles of clean code and how to not make a code base too difficult to understand.