
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


First checkout the project and start the vice_t.xcodeproj file, there are no third party dependencies, so it’s pretty simple. In case you want to build on a real device, add your bundle ID project settings.

User Interface:

  • Just build the app and you will see the loading screen while the movies collections data (most popular and now playing) is being fetched from the API.
  • There are two tabs (Most Viewed and Favorites).
  • After the successful data retrieval, movies are shown in two horizontally scrolling rows (like a carousel)
  • In case of any error an alert is presented (turn the internet off and restart the app or try to tap a destination to try it out). Of course, this can be done in much more detail if Reachability class is used, but it would go outside of scope of this test project and it was mentioned to avoid 3rd party libs or other solutions.
  • Everything you see in this project is custom made, so nothing has been copied or used from some other source.
  • To see the movie details tap on the cell and Details Screen will appear. There you can SAVE or REMOVE the movie from favorites
  • When tapping on the SAVE button, that movie is persisted and can bee seen in Favorites tab
  • Turn the internet off, the app will still function.
  • On the Favorites screen you can filter the list of movies based on any of the 4 labels (their text)


  • MMVM is used as an app design pattern since it complements Apple's native, out of the box, MVC for UIKit and it's new MVVM in SwiftUI.
  • Networking module is independent and can be implemented anywhere. It is based on Apple's “URLSession” and generics so no third party libs have been used.
  • There is a custom loading screen and alert for the user feedback.
  • Unit tests are made for view models and moc JSON of products list and details, they are just examples and many more tests can be done
  • Reusable components have been made (like MovieImageView) for illustration purposes.
  • File organisation:
    • App - App related data *Models
    • Views
    • ViewControllers
    • ViewModels
    • Lib - all custom made libraries with the main one being the networking module under “Networking”
    • Resources - storyboards, strings, images