CyanogenMod 11 device tree for the Samsung GT-S7560/M

How to compile (On Ubuntu 14.XX/16.xx/17.xx , Arch Linux):

1. Open terminal, create a new folder and "cd" into it.
2. Type "repo init -u git:// -b cm-11.0" to initialize the repo.
3. Copy the files from my "android_local_manifest" repo into "(CM directory)/.repo/local_manifests"
4. Type "repo sync" and let the ~26GB code download (Find something to do, it will be a while)
5. Check to make sure you followed the steps correctly. Go to "(CM directory)/device/samsung/kylessopen" and if this build tree is in there, you are ready to compile!
6*.Navigate to device/samsung/kylessopen/patches and run ./ from terminal
7. Navigate to the main CM directory from within terminal and type "cd device/samsung/kylessopen && ./ && cd ../../.. && cd vendor/cm &&  ./get-prebuilts && cd ../.. && . build/ && brunch kylessopen"
8. Let it compile (Again, it will take a while)

*Only if you want to build with ArchiDroid optimizationV3 for Cyanogenmod,if not,skip this step and proceed to step 7.

How to rebuild after modifying device tree:

1. Naviage to the main CM directory from within terminal and type "repo sync && make clobber && cd device/samsung/kylessopen && ./ && cd ../../.. && cd vendor/cm &&  ./get-prebuilts && cd ../.. && . build/ && brunch kylessopen"

NOTE: "repo sync" updates the CM code to the latest; "make clobber" clears the build directory which is not necessary, but I reccomend it because sometimes make misses some changes, especially when modifying the device tree.

Little more help for new devs and people who want to compile this rom on their own without prior exp:


*Setting up for build 
Install all recommended packages,you can use openjdk-7,openjdk-6,sunjdk-6,sunjdk-7
I recommend you to use make-3.82 (download it from here and compile it)
Dont forget to do sudo apt install lzop schedtool pngcrush bc


sudo pacman -S git gnupg flex bison gperf sdl wxgtk squashfs-tools curl ncurses zlib schedtool perl-switch zip unzip lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-readline gcc-libs-multilib gcc-multilib lib32-gcc-libs lzop schedtool bc 

compile make-3.82 and choose what jdk you want (open or sun,both 6 or 7)