Yalantis Lecture FastAPI Template

What can be done?

  1. Makefile which will simplify run & etc
  2. JWT Auth
  3. User model extension
  4. Create Postman Collections with auth jwt request https://www.postman.com/
  5. Add CI to github/gitlab repository
  6. Docker


python3 main.py --env local|dev|prod --debug



Date base PostgresSQL


alembic revision -m "create account table"  # Make migrations
alembic upgrade head  # do migration
alembic history
alembic downgrade 005ce6e94401

SQLAlchemy for asyncio context

from core.db import Transactional, session

async def create_user(self):

Do not use explicit commit(). Transactional class automatically do.

Standalone session

According to the current settings, the session is set through middleware.

However, it doesn't go through middleware in tests or background tasks.

So you need to use the @standalone_session decorator.

from core.db import standalone_session

def test_something():

Custom user for authentication

from fastapi import Request

def home(request: Request):
    return request.user.id

Note. you have to pass jwt token via header like Authorization: Bearer 1234

Custom user class automatically decodes header token and store user information into request.user

If you want to modify custom user class, you have to update below files.

  1. core/fastapi/schemas/current_user.py
  2. core/fastapi/middlewares/authentication.py


class CurrentUser(BaseModel):
    id: int = Field(None, description="ID")

Simply add more fields based on your needs.


current_user = CurrentUser()

After line 18, assign values that you added on CurrentUser.

Dependencies for specific permissions

Permissions IsAdmin, IsAuthenticated, AllowAll have already been implemented.

from core.fastapi.dependencies import (

user_router = APIRouter()

    responses={"400": {"model": ExceptionResponseSchema}},
    dependencies=[Depends(PermissionDependency([IsAdmin]))],  # HERE
async def get_user_list(
    limit: int = Query(10, description="Limit"),
    prev: int = Query(None, description="Prev ID"),

Insert permission through dependencies argument.

If you want to make your own permission, inherit BasePermission and implement has_permission() function.

Note. In order to use swagger's authorize function, you must put PermissionDependency as an argument of dependencies.