
Building and running tests

With .Net >= 6 installed, build with dotnet build

Run the unit tests with dotnet test

Example usage

To create a board for a single player:

var board = new Board();

To add a ship, you can specify the tiles/squares directly using the Ship and Tile constructors, or take the easy route with the ShipBuilder like so:

var ship = new ShipBuilder()
    .WithStartPosition((2, 2))

Then add the ship to the board with:


Continue adding ships this way, and TryAddShip will return a boolean representing whether the ship was added (if its position was valid)

To take an attack, supply a tuple of coordinates (x,y) to the attack method like so: board.Attack((2, 5));

Repeat until done. You'll be done when board.PlayerHasLost; returns true.