Clone repostory with submodules
git clone --recursive
or just clone as usual and pull submodules with this command
git submodule update --init --recursive
Activate venv
mkdir venv
python -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install requirements
pip install -r yolov7/requirements.txt # yolo requirements
pip install -U -e label-studio-ml-backend # install label studio backend
pip install redis rq # additional libraries for the backend
label-studio-ml init ml_backend --script ./ --force
label-studio-ml start ml_backend
The ML backend server becomes available at http://localhost:9090
You can also specify port for the webserver
label-studio-ml start ml_backend --port 8080
Add an ML backend using the Label Studio UI
- In the Label Studio UI, open the project that you want to use with your ML backend.
- Click Settings > Machine Learning.
- Click Add Model.
- Type a Title for the model and provide the URL for the ML backend. For example, http://localhost:9090.
- (Optional) Type a description.
- (Optional) Select Use for interactive preannotation. See Get interactive pre-annotations for more.
- Click Validate and Save.
Instructions to connect taken from label studio website