
Cookiecutter template for Python package or Django apps

Primary LanguagePython


This cookiecutter is originally a fork of cookiecutter-pylibrary, but it also combines features from cookiecutter-pypackage and cookiecutter-djangopackage.

It fits really well my needs, but maybe not yours, so don't hesitate to fork it.


  • Support for Django, tests with django-fake-model.
  • ISC License.
  • Tox for managing test environments for Python 2.7, 3.6, PyPy etc.
  • Pytest for testing Python 2.7, 3.6, PyPy etc.
  • Travis-CI for continuous testing.
  • Coveralls or Codecov for coverage tracking (using Tox).
  • Documentation with Sphinx, ready for ReadTheDocs.
  • Configurations for isort, bumpversion, yapf and prospector.
  • Packaging and code quality checks. This template comes with a tox environment (check) that will:
    • Check if your setup.py is valid.
    • Check if your README.rst is valid.
    • Check if the MANIFEST.in has any issues.
    • Run bandit (a security issue checker for python code).
    • Run safety (a PyUp tool to check your dependencies).
    • Run prospector (Landscape 's tool for static code analysis).
  • Badges for everything in README.rst, including PyUp, Landscape and Gitter.
  • Script to easily release code to PyPiTest and PyPi.
  • Script to easily update your generated project when the cookiecutter changes. To enable this, you wil need to create a cookiecutter branch in the repository.


Projects using this template have these minimal dependencies:

  • Cookiecutter for creating the project
  • Tox for running the tests
  • Setuptools for building the package, wheels etc.
  • Twine to register and upload the code to PyPiTest and PyPi.
pip install tox cookiecutter twine

Usage and options

First generate your project:

cookiecutter gh:Pawamoy/cookiecutter-pydjama

After this you can create the initial repository (make sure you create an empty Github project):

git init .
git add .
git commit -m "Initial skel."
git remote add origin git@github.com:username/reponame.git
git push -u origin master
git checkout -b cookiecutter
git push --set-upstream origin cookiecutter


  • Enable the repository in your Travis, Codecov, Coveralls, Landscape, Gitter, ReadTheDocs accounts
  • For ReadTheDocs: turn on the ReadTheDocs service hook. Don't forget to enable virtualenv and specify docs/requirements.txt as the requirements file in Advanced Settings.

Developing the project

To run all the tests, just run:


To see all the tox environments:

tox -l

To only build the docs:

tox -e docs

To build and verify that the built package is proper and other code QA checks:

tox -e check

Releasing the project

Before releasing your package on PyPI you should have all the tox environments passing.

Version management

This template provides a basic bumpversion configuration. It's as simple as running:

  • bumpversion patch to increase version from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
  • bumpversion minor to increase version from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0.
  • bumpversion major to increase version from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0.

You should read Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 before bumping versions.

Building and uploading

Store your credentials in a .pypirc file in your home.

index-servers =



Then just run ./release.sh. It tox -e check succeeds, then the script will successively try to register then upload on PyPiTest first then PyPi server. If any of these steps fails, the script stops.
