Opinionated cookiecutter to create Python and Django projects.
- Documentation with Sphinx, ReadTheDocs theme and Markdown thanks to recommonmark.
- Support for Django apps (not projects).
- All licenses from choosealicense.com.
- Publishing done with [flit][].
- tox for multiple Python version testing.
- pytest for running tests.
- Optional django-fake-model dependency for tests.
- isort to quickly sort imports with
isort -y -rc src
. - bumpversion to manage version number across files.
- pylint for static code analysis.
- [bandit][] for security analysis.
- [safety][] to check your dependencies (updates and vulnerabilities).
cookiecutter gh:Pawamoy/cookiecutter-pydjama
Tip: to be able to update your generated project whenever this cookiecutter receives updates, you should immediately create a "cookiecutter" or "template" branch. Then when you want to update it, checkout the "cookiecutter" branch and run:
cookiecutter --overwrite-if-exists --no-input \
--config-file .cookiecutterrc \
--output-dir .. gh:Pawamoy/cookiecutter-pydjama
Now you can commit the changes to your "cookiecutetr" branch and merge them in your "master" branch without too much conflicts.
This cookiecutter was created with cookiecutter-cookiecutter. It also got a lot of inspiration from cookiecutter-pylibrary, cookiecutter-pypackage and cookiecutter-djangopackage.