
Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • We believe that direct human-to-human interactions and are at the core of what makes decentralized technology valuable.

  • Online user-to-user interactions have come to be rely almost exclusively on centralized intermediaries.

  • It should be easy for blockchain application developers to facilitate secure hear-to-heart connections.

  • At Chainfund crowdfunding dapp we understand the importance of fostering meaningful connections and providing a safe and secure platform for users.

  • Let's come together and make a positive impact on homelessness by building a supportive community through our dapp.

What it does

  • Our homeless crowdfunding dapp, powered by ChainFund's community model, helps reduce homelessness by supporting people in finding jobs and homes that lift them out of homelessness for good.
  • We accomplish this by providing each person with a dedicated caseworker who connects them with a supportive online community that provides funding and mentorship. Our dapp is designed to encourage community support and incentivize funding through our economic incentive model.
  • We also match our community members with forward-thinking employers and landlords who share our commitment to reducing homelessness.
  • Our dapp's primary goal is to provide a safe and secure platform where people can connect and come together to make a positive impact on homelessness.

How we built it

  • Traditional crowdfunding platforms are often centralized and charge high fees.

  • Our decentralized crowdfunding platform uses Polygon blockchain to help the homeless. We are using cutting-edge technology to make charitable donations more efficient and transparent than ever before.

  • By utilizing the Polygon network, we are able to minimize transaction fees and ensure that donations go directly towards providing vocational training for the homeless.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • high level protocol specification is complete
  • our Dapp is fully tested
  • our demo works
  • we are able to create,fund and donate to a campaign on polygon network

Challenges we ran into

  • Creating Campaigns can be a challenge in decentralized apps

  • Economic incentive design is tricky part

  • Sending message types over Polygon network

What's Our Goal( Mission )

  • Reduce homelessness with ChainFund's community-powered model.

  • We support people into jobs and homes that lift them out of homelessness for good.

  • We give each person a dedicated caseworker and connect them with a supportive online community who provide funding and mentorship.

  • Finally, we match them with forward-thinking employers and landlords.

What we learned

  • polygon framework
  • deploying site to polygon chain
  • Create and run Campaigns

What's next for Hugo + Web Monetization

Improve hiding of exclusive content create pull request to Spheron internal themes to make webmonetization possible for every theme


Github: https://github.com/akashpanda122/ChainFund

Demo page: https://chain-fund.vercel.app/

Built With

  • Solidity
  • HardHat
  • ThirdWeb
  • Spheron Network
  • React

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Developers Intro