
AI-enabled water well predictor (Clean & Green Technology) predetermined model

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

AI-Enabled Water Well Prediction Model (Clean & Green Technology SIH1292 ), Ministry of Jal Shakti


  • The inspiration behind the AI-Enabled Water Well Prediction System is to address the critical issue of water scarcity in rural villages, towns, and cities.
  • Access to clean and reliable groundwater sources is essential for agriculture, drinking water supply, and industrial activities.
  • Traditional methods of well construction often lack precision, leading to inefficient resource utilization.
  • This project seeks to leverage AI and machine learning to optimize well construction, ensuring sustainable water access for communities.

What it does

  • The AI-Enabled Water Well Prediction System is a comprehensive platform that combines data integration, machine learning models, and user-friendly interfaces to facilitate informed decision-making in well construction.
  • It predicts key parameters such as well suitability, depth, discharge, drilling techniques, and groundwater quality based on geological and hydrological data.
  • The system aims to maximize the success rate of well construction while minimizing resource wastage and environmental impact.

How we built it

  • Data Collection and Integration: Diverse groundwater-related data, including lithology, geophysical logs, water levels, water quality, and aquifer maps, were collected and preprocessed into a unified format for analysis.

  • AI Model Development: Machine learning models, including Random Forest, were trained to predict well-related parameters. Fine-tuning and model improvement were achieved through continuous learning from new data and user feedback.

  • User-Friendly Interface: An intuitive web-based interface with map-based location selection was developed. AI model predictions are presented in a user-friendly manner, providing valuable insights for well construction decisions.

  • Feedback Loop and User Engagement: A structured feedback mechanism was implemented to collect user input on system predictions and usability, enabling continuous improvement.

  • Data Privacy and Security: Robust data privacy and security measures were implemented to protect user information and maintain data integrity.

Accomplishments we're proud of

  • Successful integration of diverse groundwater-related datasets into a unified platform.
  • Development of accurate machine learning models for predicting well parameters.
  • Creation of a user-friendly interface that empowers users with valuable insights.
  • Establishing a feedback loop for continuous improvement based on user input.

What we learned,including insights about the Random Forest ML model

  • Through the development process, we gained insights into the importance of feature selection and data quality in training accurate machine learning models.
  • Random Forest proved to be a robust model for predicting well-related parameters, providing accurate results across different data types and locations.
  • We learned the significance of interpretability in AI models, enabling users to trust and understand the predictions made by the system.

What's next for our AI-Enabled Water Well Prediction Model

  • Expansion: We envision reaching every remote rural village, town, and city with the benefits of AI-optimized well construction.
  • Enhanced Predictions: Continuous model refinement and the incorporation of real-time data will further improve prediction accuracy.
  • Mobile Application: Developing a mobile app for on-field well construction teams to access predictions and guidance in real-time.
  • Community Engagement: Collaborating with local communities and stakeholders to ensure sustainable well construction practices and water resource management.

Challenges we ran into

  • Data Integration: Harmonizing and preprocessing diverse datasets proved challenging due to variations in data quality and formats.
  • Model Generalization: Ensuring that machine learning models generalize well across different geographical regions and geological conditions.
  • User Adoption: Convincing users to trust AI predictions and actively participate in the feedback loop was a challenge.

Our Goal (Mission)

  • Our mission is to use AI to enhance existing technologies and practices related to well prediction locator and contruction, ensuring sustainable access to groundwater for communities worldwide.
  • We aim to revolutionize the well construction process, making it more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly, ultimately contributing to global water resource sustainability.


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Visualisation dashboard



balanced line

Built With

  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Joblib
  • Scikit Learn
  • Streamlit

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npm test

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npm run build

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npm run eject

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Github :https://github.com/pawan-cpu/SIH-AI-enabled-Water-Well-Prediction-Model

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