
Explore the world of React JS with Next.js, TypeScript, Redux, and more! This repository showcases projects and code samples developed during my journey of mastering modern web development with React and its ecosystem.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learning React JS, Next.js, TypeScript, Redux, and More

Welcome to my learning journey in mastering React JS and exploring various advanced technologies and libraries! This repository contains the code and projects I have developed while following a comprehensive roadmap to enhance my skills in building modern web applications using React and related tools.

Roadmap Overview

I have structured my learning process by following this roadmap, which covers various modules and topics:

  1. React Basics and Beyond

    • Explore React components, state, and props
    • Practice building small projects and interactive UIs
    • Implement advanced React concepts like hooks and context
  2. Next.js for Server-Side Rendering

    • Learn about Next.js and its benefits
    • Build server-rendered React applications
    • Explore routing, data fetching, and dynamic imports
  3. TypeScript Integration

    • Integrate TypeScript with React and Next.js
    • Benefit from static typing and enhanced development experience
  4. State Management with Redux

    • Dive into Redux for centralized state management
    • Build Redux-powered applications with React and Next.js
  5. Additional Libraries and Tools

    • Explore other libraries and tools to enhance your React projects
    • Work with styling solutions, form libraries, and more
  6. Practical Applications

    • Apply React, Next.js, TypeScript, Redux, and other concepts to real-world projects
    • Build complete applications that showcase your skills

How to Use This Repository

You can navigate to each module's corresponding directory to find the code samples and projects I have developed during my learning process. Feel free to explore the code, review the commits, and use it as a reference to strengthen your understanding of React, Next.js, TypeScript, Redux, and more.

Feel free to explore other resources to deepen your understanding of the concepts covered in this repository.


This repository showcases my progress and commitment to mastering React JS and advanced web development tools. I hope the code samples and projects provided here can be a helpful guide for fellow learners and aspiring web developers.

Keep coding, keep learning!