
Multiple users using the same leetcode premium account made easy!

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

LeetcodeSessionManager Build and Release

Multiple Users, 1 Leetcode Premium Account!


This extension helps is multiple people using the same LeetCode account.

It gets tiring when you create sessions(sub-account in leetcode) to track an individual's progress, but as you already might have faced an issue that, if 2+ users are using the same account, the session(sub-account) is not device specific.

if User-1, activates his session in his device and at the same time you(User-2) solve a question and hit on submit, your submission gets logged inside User-1 session(sub-account).

How does this extension solve this issue? you get to choose the session(sub-account) you want to track your submissions, and this extension will make sure, its tracked inside your chosen session.

summary: Think of it like netflix screens, the question you solved gets saved to your screen(session).


  • Please make sure that you are logged in to leetcode.com before using the extension.
  • On the first run, no session is chosen, so please click on the the drop down and select the desired session.
  • your all set, headover to leetcode.com and start solving. extension_steps

Note: in case new sessions are added to your account, please click on reload session in the extension to reflect the latest changes if not present.
