
Smart India Hackathon Problem Statement Number NM380

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web application for live tracking

Here we are developing a mobile application for recording and playing geotagged videos. Unlike photos in which geotag data is of a single point and orientation pair, for videos geotag data is a sequence of point and orientation pairs. The mobile application should have two views. In one view the recorded video should play while simultaneously plotting field-of-view (orientation) cone and marker on an interactive map in the other view in a synchronized manner. The position shown on the map should match the play position of the video. Our project aims to record and play geo-tagged videos. Whenever our app is used to record videos, the coordinates (latitude and longitude) after every 10 seconds data are written to a kml file. Which is later written to meta data of recorded media file as base-64 encoding. Once the recording is completed, the coordinates from the meta data are decoded and fetched to the cache memory and is parsed using google map API. Thus, a split screen shows the recorded video in the upper part while the synchronised map tracking is shown in the lower part. Our app will stand useful for android and iOS as well. At the time of recording any video, the tracking process can be done not only with the help of our app but also with the normal video cameras present in the mobile or with any other mobile's video recorder but the only necessity is that our app should be present in the mobile. This application can be processed with the help of background services. This can be done with both, front camera as well as back camera. Moreover, an enhancement is done through which we send the coordinates to our database along with time stamp value, while the video is being recorded and is further loaded from the database and parsed using map API so that anyone having the access permission, can track our location through a web application. The project includes further enhancements like live streaming where we can simultaneously play the video being recorded using our app along with the live tracking facility and video seeking facility so that we can move forward or backward on the video screen depending on the position of the map screen. Few examples to support our app are:- 1>our app can be helpful for those persons who are interested in adventure such as trekking.The person who has already been for trekking can mark the coordinates which will result as a direction map for others so that they are not lost and are successfull in completing their adventure. 2>"Vlogging is a great way to reach a wider audience".This can be accessible to locate any accident a person has met while going to an unsafe area so that the persons pre-recorded video can help us to locate the person. 3>Our app will also stand supportive for tracking the Viral videos .In case any video is leaked we could be able to find who has leaked the video and who are the person to receive the videos. 4>This app can be favourable in live tracking automatic cars and by doing this we can increase the security and safety level as well. 5>It can also be helpful for “Stream location’’- we can be live with the route a person is following with the help of map system.