
A classic Sokoban puzzle game built with ReactJS, Vite, and TailwindCSS. Featuring arrow button controls, step counter, level display, reload, undo, and back buttons, this game offers a smooth and responsive experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sokoban Game 🧩

Welcome to the Sokoban Game! This is a puzzle game where you push boxes to their target locations. The game is developed using ReactJS, Vite, and TailwindCSS, providing a smooth and engaging experience. Challenge yourself by completing different levels with the fewest steps possible!


  • 🎮 Arrow Button Controls: Easily move the player using arrow buttons.
  • 📊 Step Counter: Track your moves with a real-time step counter.
  • 🔢 Level Number Display: Know which level you’re currently on.
  • ♻️ Reload Button: Restart the current level at any time.
  • ↩️ Undo Button: Undo your last move to correct mistakes.
  • 🔙 Back Button: Go back to the level selection screen.

Tech Stack

  • ReactJS: For building the interactive user interface.
  • Vite: For a fast and optimized development experience.
  • TailwindCSS: For styling the application with utility-first CSS.


To run this project locally, follow these steps:

1. Clone the Repository:

  git clone https://github.com/pawantech12/sokoban-game-using-reactjs.git

2. Navigate to Directory:

  cd sokoban-game-using-reactjs-master

3. Install Dependencies:

  npm install or npm i
  (or `yarn install` if you prefer Yarn)

4. Start the development server:

  npm run dev (or `yarn dev`)

This will usually start the server on http://localhost:5173 by default.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository, open issues, and submit pull requests.


This project does not have a license and is free to use. You can modify, distribute, and use it for any purpose without restriction.

Enjoy the game and happy coding! 🎉