
Build desktop applications in Go and HTML.

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Write desktop applications in Go, HTML, Javascript, and CSS.

Gallium is a Go library for managing windows, menus, dock icons, and desktop notifications. Each window contains a webview component, in which you code your UI in HTML. Under the hood, the webview is running Chromium.


This is an extremely early version of Gallium. Most APIs will probably change before the 1.0 release, and much of the functionality that is already implemented remains unstable.


Only OSX is supported right now. I intend to add support for Windows and Linux soon.


Join the #gallium channel over at the Gophers slack. (You can request an invite to the Gophers slack team here.)


First install git large file storage, then install Gallium:

$ brew install git-lfs
$ git lfs install
$ go get github.com/alexflint/gallium  # will not work without git lfs!

This will fetch a 92MB framework containing a binary distribution of the Chromium content module, so it may take a few moments. This is also why git large file storage must be installed (github has a limit on file size.)


package main

import (


func main() {
  runtime.LockOSThread()         // must be the first statement in main - see below
  gallium.Loop(os.Args, onReady) // must be called from main function

func onReady(app *gallium.App) {
  app.NewWindow("http://example.com/", "Window title!")

To run the example as a full-fledged UI application, you need to build an app bundle:

$ go build ./example
$ go install github.com/alexflint/gallium/cmd/gallium-bundle
$ gallium-bundle -o example.app example
$ open example.app

Result of the example

Alternatively, you can run the executable directly, but the window will initially appear behind all other windows, and it will also not appear in the dock or the switcher, so you will have to find it manually:

$ go run example.go


func main() {
  gallium.Loop(os.Args, onReady)

func onReady(app *gallium.App) {
  app.NewWindow("http://example.com/", "Here is a window")
      Title: "demo",
      Entries: []gallium.MenuEntry{
          Title:    "Quit",
          Shortcut: "Cmd+q",
          OnClick:  handleMenuQuit,

func handleMenuQuit() {
  log.Println("quit clicked")

Menu demo

Status Bar

func main() {
  gallium.Loop(os.Args, onReady)

func onReady(app *gallium.App) {
  app.NewWindow("http://example.com/", "Here is a window")
      Title:   "Do something",
      OnClick: handleDoSomething,
      Title:   "Do something else",
      OnClick: handleDoSomethingElse,

func handleDoSomething() {
  log.Println("do something")

func handleDoSomethingElse() {
  log.Println("do something else")

Statusbar demo

Desktop Notifications

Note that the OSX Notification Center determines whether or not to show any given desktop notification, so you may need to open the notification center and scroll to the bottom in order to see notifications during development.

func main() {
  gallium.Loop(os.Args, onReady)

func onReady(app *gallium.App) {
  img, err := gallium.ImageFromPNG(pngBuffer)
  if err != nil {

    Title:    "Wow this is a notification",
    Subtitle: "The subtitle",
    Image:    img,

Relationship to other projects

Electron is a well-known framework for writing desktop applications in node.js rather than Go. Electron and Gallium are similar in that the core UI is developed in HTML and javascript, but with Gallium the "outer layer" of logic is written in Go. Both Electron and Gallium use Chromium under the hood, and in fact some of the C components for Gallium were ported from Electron.

The Chromium Embedded Framework is a C framework for embedding Chromium into other applications. I investigated CEF as a basis for Gallium but decided to use libchromiumcontent instead.

cef2go is a Go wrapper for Chromium based on CEF, but so far it still requires some manual steps to use as a library.


The goal of Gallium is to make it possible to write cross-platform desktop UI applications in Go.

Common pitfalls

  • When you run an app bundle with open app.bundle, OSX launch services discards standard output and standard error. If you need to see this output for debugging purposes, use a redirect:
  • When you run an app bundle with open app.bundle, OSX launch services will only start your app if there is not already another instance of the same application running, so if your app refuses to start then try checking the activity monitor for an already running instance.

UI thread issues and runtime.LockOSThread

It is very important that the first statement in your main function be runtime.LockOSThread(). The reason is that gallium calls out to various C functions in order to create and manage OSX UI elements, and many of these are required to be called from the first thread created by the process. But the Go runtime creates many threads and any one piece of Go code could end up running on any thread. The solution is runtime.LockOSThread, which tells the Go scheduler to lock the current goroutine so that it will only ever run on the current thread. Since the main function always starts off on the main thread, this wil guarantee that the later call to gallium.Loop will also be on the main thread. At this point gallium takes ownership of this thread for its main event loop and calls the OnReady callback in a separate goroutine. From this point forward it is safe to call gallium functions from any goroutine.

Shared libraries and linking issues

Gallium is based on Chromium, which it accesses via Gallium.framework. That framework in turn contains libchromiumcontent.dylib, which is a shared library containing the chromium content module and is distributed in binary form by the same folks responsible for the excellent Electron framework. When you build your Go executable, the directives in Gallium.framework instruct the linker to set up the executable to look for Gallium.framework in two places at runtime:

  1. <dir containing executable>/../Frameworks/Gallium.framework: this will resolve correctly if you choose to build and run your app as a bundle (and also means you can distribute the app bundle as a self-contained unit).
  2. $GOPATH/src/github.com/alexflint/dist/Gallium.framework: this will resolve if you choose to run your executable directly.