AeroGear Android Cookbook

The cookbook application contains an interactive version of the code samples found in the online documentation.


Please take a look at the step by step guide on our website.

Cookbook apps

App Description Pipe Store Security Auth Authz Push
GDrive Using OAuth2 to list your GoogleDrive documents ✔️
KeyCloak Authenticator Adding KeyCloak to the list of accounts Android can manage. ✔️
Chuck Norris Jokes Pipe example consuming a REST endpoint. ✔️
AG Reddit Consuming a third party API with authentication and pagination ✔️ ✔️
CarStore CRUD made easy ✔️
ShootAndShare Social Login and Sharing ✔️ ✔️
AuthExamples Basic and Digest Authentication ✔️ ✔️

Others AeroGear Android example apps

App Description Pipe Store Security Auth Authz Push
Push HelloWorld How to include basic push functionality in Android applications. ✔️
Push Quickstarts Integration with the Push notification mechanism to instantly retrieve a new Contact when it is created on the server ✔️
OTP Demo How case to Java One Time Password API ✔️
Crypto Demo Show case to AeroGear Crypto Java ✔️


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Also, take some time and skim the contributor guide.


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