
The product catalog and website of http://verellen.biz/

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



The product catalog and website of http://verellen.biz/

Deploying changes

ssh into the VM, git pull and restart gunicorn, in a one-liner

ssh ec2-user@verellen.biz "~/pull_collect_and_restart.sh"



You need to have these installed on your development machine and on the server

Command line

cd into the project root dir
virtualenv env initialise python 2.7 virtual environment
. env/bin/activate start the virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt install required python modules
./verellen/manage.py syncdb initialise the database and create superuser
./verellen/manage.py migrate migrate products, retailers, partner and content
./verellen/manage.py runserver start the app

You can now sign into the Django admin interface by going to /admin.

Frameworks and components used

Run command

cd into the project root dir and run . env/bin/activate && ./manage.py runserver