
A developer setup to test Service Provider integration with a DNS provider

Check out the repository with submodules

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/pawel-kow/DomainConnectDNSProviderDemo.git


docker-compose up -d

Starting for development

docker-compose up -f docker-compose-dev.yml -d

First run

Login over http://localhost:9191, register as a new user (will become admin automatically) Configure PDNS connection: URL: http://pdns:8081/ Key: same as PDNS_AUTH_API_KEY in docker-compose.yml file Version: 4.6

Create a zone foo.com



Dig installed locally:

dig ANY @localhost -p 1053 foo.com

with Docker

docker run -it tutum/dnsutils dig ANY @host.docker.internal -p 1053 foo.com

Working with templates

Templates can be modified any time in ./Templates folder. The folder is mounted in docker and the changes are visible immediately.