
Just do it. – Will do! // ABANDONED: see casey/just for this, but in overdrive. I might create a new main branch just to host my Justfile

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

just – your personal command line assistant

Do you sometimes wish you could run docker images with just run instructions? Or clone from github without having to type git@github.com... And was it a colon or a slash?

Just is here for you :)

Currently supported:

  • just install <package> installs package(s) with apt. You can remove package(s) adding - to their name, as in apt. sudo might be a good idea. Other package managers soon!
  • just clone <owner>/<repo> clones a github repository.
  • just clone <package> clones your github repo. Config required in file just.
  • just download <torrent file | kat.cr address> adds a torrent to transmission's queue. just check downloads checks its status. Requires transmission-cli.

To use just without ./ you need to add it to your PATH.