
Command line tool supporting the Force.com development lifecycle

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Command line tool supporting the Force.com development lifecycle

Build Status OS X / Linux

Build Status Windows Windows


$ npm install --global force-dev-tool


$ force-dev-tool --help

  force-dev-tool <command> [<args>...]
  force-dev-tool -h | --help
  force-dev-tool --version

  -h --help       Show this screen.
  --version       Show version.

  help            Print help for a command or in general
  remote          Manage orgs (list, add, remove, set default, set password)
  login           Login using Metadata API and show login URL
  fetch           Fetch describe information from a remote
  info            Show describe information from a remote
  package         Generate a package.xml file from local describe information
  retrieve        Retrieve metadata specified in package.xml
  deploy          Deploy metadata specified in a package.xml
  deployTest      DEPRECATED! Use `deploy -t` instead
  validate        DEPRECATED! Use `deploy -c` instead
  validateTest    DEPRECATED! Use `deploy -ct` instead
  test            Execute unit tests
  changeset       Create a changeset/deployment from a unified diff input or cli args
  query           Execute a SOQL query returing JSON
  bulk            (alpha) Import/export data in CSV format using the bulk API
  execute         (alpha) Execute anonymous Apex
  completion      (alpha) Print command line completion

See 'force-dev-tool help <command>' for more information on a specific command.


Managing remote environments

$ force-dev-tool remote add mydev user pass --default
$ force-dev-tool remote add build user pass2
$ force-dev-tool remote add production user pass3 https://login.salesforce.com

Validating credentials for a given remote (optional)

$ force-dev-tool login mydev
Logged in successfully to remote mydev.
Use the following URL to open Salesforce in your web browser:


Building a manifest

Fetch various information from the remote first

$ force-dev-tool fetch --progress
Fetching from remote mydev
API Versions
Available Metadata Types
Metadata Components
RecordTypes of PersonAccount
Active Flow versions
Created config/mydev-fetch-result.json
Fetching remotes finished.

Now generate a package.xml file based on the fetched information

$ force-dev-tool package -a
Created src/package.xml

In order to exclude certain metadata components from being added to the package.xml file, add patterns (similar to .gitignore) to .forceignore. See here for some sane default rules.

Retrieving metadata

$ force-dev-tool retrieve
Retrieving from remote mydev to directory src

Creating deployments

1. By explicitly listing metadata files or metadata components

$ force-dev-tool changeset create vat src/pages/AccountExtensionVAT.page CustomField/Account.VAT__c

2. By providing a unified diff (e.g. git diff). Tweak the git diff command with --ignore-space-at-eol or --ignore-all-space to ignore space changes.

$ git diff --no-renames master feature/vat | force-dev-tool changeset create vat

Both approaches lead to the following result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">

exported metadata container to config/deployments/vat

Creating destructive deployments (reverting changes)

1. By explicitly listing metadata files or metadata components

$ force-dev-tool changeset create undo-vat --destructive src/pages/AccountExtensionVAT.page CustomField/Account.VAT__c

2. By providing a unified diff (e.g. git diff)

$ git diff --no-renames feature/vat master | force-dev-tool changeset create undo-vat

Both approaches lead to the following result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">

Destructive Manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">

exported metadata container to config/deployments/undo-vat

Deploying metadata

$ force-dev-tool validate
$ force-dev-tool validateTest
$ force-dev-tool validateTest -d config/deployments/vat
$ force-dev-tool deploy
$ force-dev-tool deployTest


-d=<directory>    Directory containing the metadata and package.xml [default: ./src].

Running unit tests

Running all local tests

$ force-dev-tool test
Running Test execution to remote mydev
Test_Foo#test_method_one took 32.0
  - System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: foo, Actual: bar
  - Class.Test_Foo.test_method_one: line 8, column 1
Test_Foo2#test_method_one took 11.0
  - System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
  - Class.Test_Foo2.test_method_one: line 7, column 1
Error: Visit https://mynamespace.my.salesforce.com/changemgmt/monitorDeploymentsDetails.apexp?asyncId=REDACTED for more information.
3 methods, 2 failures

Running specified test classes

$ force-dev-tool test --classNames 'Test_MockFoo Test_MockBar'

Running test classes matching a pattern (in src/package.xml)

$ force-dev-tool package grep 'ApexClass/Test_Mock*' \
 | cut -d '/' -f 2 \
 | xargs -0 force-dev-tool test --classNames

Using force-dev-tool in a build script

The following environment variables can be used to define a default remote environment called env:

$ force-dev-tool validateTest env

Note: You can also define named remotes using Environment Variables (e.g. SFDC_ci_USERNAME, SFDC_ci_PASSWORD, SFDC_ci_SERVER_URL).

Executing a SOQL query

$ force-dev-tool query "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 1"
    "attributes": {
      "type": "Account",
      "url": "/services/data/v38.0/sobjects/Account/001200000183ZCFAA2"
    "Id": "001200000183ZCFAA2",
    "Name": "GenePoint"

$ force-dev-tool query "SELECT COUNT(Id) c FROM Account"
    "attributes": {
      "type": "AggregateResult"
    "c": 15

(alpha) Exporting/importing data using the bulk API

Exporting data

$ force-dev-tool bulk export "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account LIMIT 1"
$ force-dev-tool bulk export "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account" --out Accounts.csv

Updating data

$ force-dev-tool bulk update Account --in Accounts.csv --out Accounts-update-results.csv

Note: Importing more than one batch is currently not yet supported.

(alpha) Executing anonymous Apex

$ echo "insert new Account(Name = 'Test Account');" | force-dev-tool execute

Getting help

Please see the wiki for Motivation and Troubleshooting and Resources.

Feel free to open issues with questions.


MIT © Matthias Rolke