
Mkm API client in Node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MKM API Client

This is a simple node JS client for MKM API.

You first need to request your keys and tokens from magiccardmarket.eu .


npm install mkm-api


const MkmApiClient = require('mkm-api');
const Client = new MkMApiClient('<app_key>', '<secret_key>');

Client.get('/ws/v2.0/products/find', {search: 'something to search'}).then(res=> {
}).catch(e => {
	// oops..

The Client only accepts .get and .post methods for now. But you can use:

Client.request('PUT', '/ws/v2.0/products/find', {search: 'something to search'});

To use any method.

If you need access tokens for 3d party apps, you can use the method:

Client.setAccessTokens(<access_token>, <access_token_secret>);

Full usage


The full method is defined as:

Client.request = function(method, path, data, headers, tokens);

Meaning that you can set your own headers and tokens.

Note that if you set tokens in this request (or in .get and .post methods), they will override those set by setAccessTokens.