💥 The Game of Serverless

Hello all:wave:! This repository is a documentation of the Game played by great people on Linked In.

🎪 The Arena

Our Arena for this game is the World of Serverless. All solutions have to use serverless resources and serverless only. We also have to use AWS platform only.

🏆 The goal

I publish some requirements for solution which is later discussed by group of Experts on LinkedIn. The Team has to find solution(s) to given problemto enable next steps. I act as a Game Master, my goal is different. I "win" when the Team is not able to find a solution for given requirements in Serverless world.

❓ The Quest

This is the original message published on LinkedIn

We hear a lot about Serverless. It becomes more and more popular. There are some who even claims that everything is possible with Serverless :) So, I propose a game :) Every week (if there will be interest, of course) I will publish one requirement or I will reveal one of the elements of the puzzle. It will be a game or challenge for you, but also for me, to ensure the proper level of cool and fun of this game 😄
Let me explain the rules a little. We go to the quest to build serverless application. Your task (our task:smile:) is to discuss the options, solutions, limitations and advantages. I'd to limit our discussion to AWS only, however everyone is welcome - developers, devops, architects, etc with any experience!
Important is, that I want to keep the game simple. What is revealed, is in scope. To give you a picture - if I didn't ask for black button, you are free to have any kind of button you want. If I didn't say that I want synchronous communication - the solution is up to you.
My goal is to navigate you to hit the rocks. Think of me like about the Game Master (from RPG games).

I really wish to see this story growing :)

So, let's get started!

Please remember, we have to stay with Serverless solutions only!

💰 The application

We design a serverless application for voting purposes. We start simple and challenge will grow every week (at least, I hope it will grow 😏)

📜 Rules

  • Main rules
    • Everyone is welcome!
    • There is no bad solution! There are good or better ones 😄
    • This is a game for fun, not an exam!
  • Game rules
    • Every week some of the requirements will be revealed by me in separate thread
    • We use only AWS serverless sevices!
    • What is revealed, is in scope. To give you a picture - if I didn't ask for black button, you are free to have any kind of button you want. If I didn't say that I want synchronous communication - the solution is up to you.
    • Please, be creative and supportive
    • Discussion is MORE than welcome!

📐 Architecture diagrams

Please have in mind that the diagrams available in weekly directories represent only the parts mentioned by their authors.

This means that the pictures there might be not completed, might be focused on a single part of the bigger picture only.

🔒 Final architecture

I'd like to create the final architecture from this excercise after the end of the game.

📔 Table of contents

🙏 Contributors

My big thank you ❤️ to all of great people who participated in the game!

📚 Mentions

I would like to say another thank you ❤️ to

Jeremy Daly - info about The Game was published in his great Off-by-none #216 - Serverless newsletter.

Pawel Zubkiewicz - for mentioning this activity in his newsletter (in Polish!), published 14th of January 2023.

Jones Zacharias Noel Shared The Game in his The Serverless Terminal #23.