
Write tests for Botkit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Botkit-Mock - Write tests for Botkit.


  1. npm install --save botkit-mock
  2. Require botkit-mock in your test: ie const mock = require('botkit-mock');
  3. If testing a controller, require your controller in your test: ie const fileBeingTested = require("../controllers/indexController")
  4. Follow test case examples seen here

Basic Usage

Testing Controllers

In your beforeEach, setup a mock controller and pass it to fileBeingTested.

const assert = require('assert');
const mock = require('botkit-mock');
const fileBeingTested = require("../indexController");

describe("controller tests",()=>{
        var self = this;
        self.slackId = 'some id'
        self.userName = 'some username'
        self.controller = new mock.controller()

In your it statement, use the controller.usersInput method to define the conversation.

    it('should return hello', (done)=>{
        var self = this;
        return self.controller.usersInput([{
            type: null,
            messages:[{text: 'quick', isAssertion:true}]
            assert.equal(text, 'hello')


You can specify options to usersInput.

first - indicates which user spoke first in multi-user testing.

deep - indicates the index of the conversation response to return in .then(). 0 is the last response, 1 is the second-to-last, etc..

isAssertion - indicates which conversation response array to return in .then() in multi-user testing.

Testing API

See examples here.

Built by the team at https://www.gratify.chat.