
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the backend implementation of an e-commerce application.

##Core Technology Stacks

  • ExpressJS and MYSql
  • Node

Available Functionalities/Routes

  • Register a Customer
  • Login a customer
  • Sign in with Facebook
  • Update the address from customer
  • Update Credit Card from customer
  • Update a Customer
  • Get a Cusotmer by ID.
  • Create an Order
  • Get Info about the order
  • Get Orders by Customer
  • Get short Info about Order
  • Get All Products
  • Search Products
  • Get Product by ID
  • Get a list of Products of Categories
  • Get a list of Products of Departments
  • Get Details of a Product
  • Get Locations of a Product
  • Get Reviews of a Product
  • Post Reviews
  • Get Attributes List
  • Get Attribute By ID
  • Get Values Attribute from Atribute
  • Get all Attributes with Produt ID
  • Get Categories
  • Get Categories By ID
  • Get Categories Of a Product
  • Get Categories of a Department
  • Get Departments
  • Get Departments By ID
  • Generate the unique CART ID.
  • Add a Product in the Cart
  • Get List of Products in Shopping Cart
  • Update the cart by Item
  • Empty Cart
  • Move a product to cart
  • Return a total Amount from Cart
  • Save a Product for Latter
  • Get Products Saved For latter
  • Remove a product in the Cart
  • Get All Taxes
  • Get Tax By ID
  • Return Shipping Regions
  • Return Shipping Regions By ID
  • Integrate Stripe For Payment


  • Mocha and Chai


  • Okonji Emmanuel