A very very simple C shell for Linux.
You can use the build script through . build.sh
or source build.sh
If you are a make type of guy or not on bash, use the makefile like
mkdir bin
./simpleshell.o [<command...>]
Currently, you just run the shell executible (usually simpleshell.o, but you can change it in the build script)
You can also run a single command through it, by just putting the command in the arguements without any quotes.
Not many right now, but there are 2:
- help: tells you what all commands do.
- cd: change directory. args: directory to go change to.
- exit: close the shell
- listprocesses: list all background processes
Like all good shells, there's a bit of syntax
currently, there's not much but here you go:
- &: put this at the end and it becomes a background process
- ~: home directory when at start of command or arguement
- #: comments the rest of the line out. Everything after it is ignored.
- \: escapes next character if the character is a syntax character.
- more syntax (based on bash)
- escape character actually doing its job for all characters (close)
- quotes for block arguements
- ; operator
- ||, && operators
- <, >, | operators
- login to different users on startup
- far in the future goals:
- scripts
- startup scripts
- autocomplete