Pascal Team Project


  • install lyricsgenius
    • pip3 install lyricsgenius for Mac
    • pip install lyricsgenius for Window
  • Run python3 and interact with the terminal!
  • Enjoy!

Project Overview:

We will be designing a Lyric Application which will enable a user to enter lyrics into a search box and then it will output a list of popular songs and information. Additionally, the application will include other features such as search by artist or song which will produce similar results based on the search and there will also be an option to add a song to our database if the search comes up with no results.

Main Technical Approach:

Python-> Output/Input information to the terminal based on the features our application will provide for the user. We will also look to integrate our application with both the Genius API and Spotipy API and utilize the tools within to accomplish extraction of the data required for our program. If time allows we will provide a GUI for the user and may look to frameworks such as PyQt or Tkinter to design such said features. This is an overview of the technical approach we will take when creating LyRap.