If you're looking for proxy for helm, maybe you can try cloudflare-helm-proxy.
- click the "Deploy With Workers" button
- follow the instructions to fork and deploy
- update routes as you requirement
- use cloudflare worker host: only support proxy one registry
const routes = { "${workername}.${username}.workers.dev/": "https://registry-1.docker.io", };
- use custom domain: support proxy multiple registries route by host
- host your domain DNS on cloudflare
- add
record of xxx.example.com to192.0.2.1
- deploy this project to cloudflare workers
- add
to HTTP routes of workers - add more records and modify the config as you need
const routes = { "docker.pawpaw2022.com": "https://registry-1.docker.io", "quay.pawpaw2022.com": "https://quay.io", "gcr.pawpaw2022.com": "https://k8s.gcr.io", "k8s-gcr.pawpaw2022.com": "https://k8s.gcr.io", "ghcr.pawpaw2022.com": "https://ghcr.io", };
自用 Docker Hub 镜像加速: https://appscross.com
为了加速镜像拉取,使用以下命令设置 registry mirror:
# sudo if needed
mkdir -p /etc/docker
tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF
"registry-mirrors": ["https://docker.pawpaw2022.com"]
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
docker pull docker.pawpaw2022.com/library/mysql:8.0
说明:library 是一个特殊的命名空间,它代表的是官方镜像。