
A rich featured Pokedex app built with Next 13

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Pokedex Website

This is a Pokedex website project that utilizes the following technologies: pokeapi, Next.js 13, Tailwind CSS, React Query, and TypeScript. The website provides various features to explore and search for Pokemon.

Home Page Showcase Home Page Showcase


The Pokedex website offers the following features:

  1. Sorting Pokemon:

    • Sort Pokemon by generation: Users can view Pokemon categorized by their respective generations.
    • Sort Pokemon by type: Users can filter and display Pokemon based on their types.
  2. Searching Pokemon:

    • Search Pokemon by name: Users can search for specific Pokemon by their names.
  3. Dark theme toggle:

    • Users can toggle between light and dark themes.
  4. Pokemon Page:

    • Upon entering a Pokemon's page, users can find detailed information about that Pokemon, including:
      • Name: The name of the Pokemon.
      • ID: A unique identifier for the Pokemon.
      • Types: The elemental types associated with the Pokemon.
      • Stats: Various statistical attributes of the Pokemon, such as HP, attack, defense, etc.
      • Resistance and Weakness: Information about the Pokemon's strengths and weaknesses against different types.
      • Evolution Chain: The evolutionary lineage of the Pokemon, showcasing its pre-evolved and evolved forms.
      • Moves: The moves or abilities the Pokemon can learn and use.

Technologies Used

The Pokedex website is built using the following technologies:

  • PokeAPI: An API that provides data about Pokemon, including their characteristics, abilities, and more.
  • Next.js 13: A React framework that enables server-side rendering, static site generation, and other powerful features.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid and efficient styling of web pages.
  • React Query: A library for managing, caching, and syncing asynchronous data in React applications.
  • TypeScript: A statically-typed superset of JavaScript that enhances development experience and catches potential errors.


The Pokedex website is currently deployed at pokedex-xi-ruby.vercel.app.


The project utilizes the PokeAPI as the source of Pokemon data.